Example sentences of "person who [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Believers then follow the practice of the person who stubs his foot on a stone and looks upwards with the cry , ‘ Oh God ! ’ as if hoping for some sympathetic supernatural spectator to be looking down on what is happening .
2 ‘ The last person who played his ‘ mate ’ in a film was Tommy Cooper .
3 Is it the person who sells his shares to the insider ?
4 The importance of the notion of the ‘ epic poet ’ is the stress which it puts on an active , creative person who expresses his dreams in verbal form .
5 and even if they did buy without a solicitors assistance , what was the system about sending them the letter which we 've looked at earlier which is at erm D one , five , two , remember this is the letter that goes to Mr solicitors assuming you get a very rare person who does his or her own conveyance
6 The person who hears his words and obeys them ‘ is like a man building a house , who dug deep , and laid the foundation upon rock ; and when a flood arose , the stream broke against that house , and could not shake it , because it had been well built ’ ( Luke 6:48 RSV ) .
7 A person who puts his own name on a product , thereby holding himself out as a producer , will be treated as a producer .
8 Perhaps the only person who finds his course clear is someone with an absolute objection , moral or religious , to society taking the life of any of its members .
9 All of which suggests a person who knows his own mind and makes his own decisions .
10 The man himself becomes a thief out of sheer desperation , and a sense of injustice , and , ironically , accepts the pardon which he is not willing to accord to the person who stole his bike .
11 awful cos I 'm first-aided I usually get , I 'm the , the lucky person who hangs his head over a sink and sends him home again
12 You think it was wrong that he should have been prosecuted and the person who damaged his car should not ?
13 Does a person who exhibits his display to the whole world display to another person ?
14 In a speech at the conference , Bill Gulliver , a blind person who runs his own business , said : ‘ Some firms exemplify blindness not in terms of visual impairment , but crass ignorance .
15 However , a person who based his or her sense of worth entirely on achievement would be much more likely to succumb to depression in the event of such employment problems .
16 Its symbolism may or may not be universal for all mankind , or for all within one culture , but enough dream material is common for others to be interested and gripped by a person who recounts his dreams .
17 And after losing all but one of the shire counties and a major by-election defeat sacks his chancellor and then effectively promotes to number two in the government the person who wants his job !
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