Example sentences of "himself [prep] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Atherton batted beautifully for 42 but then left kicking himself for slamming a wide ball from Reiffel straight to cover off the back foot .
2 Friends of Fonda 's father said Peter should be ashamed of himself for linking a ‘ great name in movies ’ to such disgraceful junk .
3 He hated himself for pressing a dying friend , but some gut-fear , some primordial terror drove him on .
4 He decided against buying a ticket there and then but satisfied himself with getting a list of trains to Rome .
5 The player needs to understand his emotions , what he is , how he functions and how to prevent himself from taking a negative role .
6 How could such a one as Hatton restrain himself from making a splash ?
7 Even now he could n't stop himself from making a comic routine out of it : looking at his fingers , his face screwed up in disgust , pretending that he 'd found something unspeakably revolting in the depths of his pocket .
8 Perhaps I am myself no gourmet , and think of food as a matter in which the rational man can excuse himself from making a fully-considered choice .
9 In desperation the Tsar appointed Witte to handle the crisis , committed himself to creating a unified cabinet under Witte 's premiership , and on 17 October issued a historic Manifesto .
10 In desperation the Tsar appointed Witte to handle the crisis , committed himself to creating a unified cabinet under Witte 's premiership , and on 17 October issued an historic Manifesto .
11 By February he felt compelled to commit himself to summoning a Consultative Assembly .
12 It was in the course of a leisurely journey on the trans-Siberian Railway that he persuaded Wheeler-Bennett to devote himself to becoming a specialist on contemporary Germany .
13 Ratagan set himself to starting a fire whilst the rest rubbed down the horses and searched for firewood .
14 We are conscious of what Zuckerman does for Roth : when he helps a man to gather his spilt heart pills , it is Roth helping himself by assigning a small mercy .
15 When Edmund Wilson attended a performance of The Confidential Clerk , however , he found it " rudimentary " ; everyone in London seemed to agree with him but , he said , " respect for Eliot had made it impossible for anyone to commit himself by printing a sincere opinion " .
16 Anyway , Jacob said that he could do the job better and more quickly if he paced himself by singing a lively hymn called ‘ Keep in Step with the Master ’ .
17 Levi explains that he had amused himself by writing a ‘ Western ’ and that he had wanted to write a hopeful book .
18 Where or with whom James received his training is not known , but by 1783 he was established in London ; and in that year he announced himself by publishing a pamphlet on A Method of Constructing Vapour Baths , and began to exhibit at the Royal Academy .
19 When the officer said , ‘ You will be charged with sedition , over and above the mobbing , but in certain circumstances that might not be pressed , ’ Cameron distressed himself by making a small , indefinite sound which could well have been taken for agreement .
20 On one level it is yet another accident , and on a second level it is inevitable , it must be so because it belongs here and nowhere else , as the foreign restaurant bill belongs to a novel about human birds of passage , and as the whistle belongs to a novel , in fact the only late Dostoevsky novel , with no children in it but haunted by the toys of absent innocence and peace : the governor of ‘ our province ’ where these crazy terrible events take place was disappointed in love as a young man and consoled himself by making a paper theatre with curtains , actors , audience , orchestra , conductor — the lot .
21 His father also took holy orders while Hilbert , practising as a solicitor in Ipswich , took care of himself by marrying a rich woman .
22 ( As we have already noted , Herod attempted to legitimise himself by marrying a Maccabean princess , then proceeded to murder her and her sons , thus extinguishing the Maccabean line . )
23 The striking point , however , is that instead of merely denying the charge , he had set out to vindicate himself by finding a scientific reason why the world could not be eternal .
24 His classmates had called him a sissie because he had never dared to dirty himself by climbing a wall or joining in any of their rough-and-tumble games .
25 The young man 's brother wrote to Lord Panmure to see if David could make the best of the situation in which he found himself by obtaining a midshipman 's place .
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