Example sentences of "himself [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So he points to himself nervously and says , ‘ No , I 'm James … ’
2 In so far as the historian must now ask himself rigorously when confronted with new evidence , ‘ evidence for what ? ’ , this is an excellent thing .
3 Gennaro rose , excused himself politely and disappeared .
4 Not only is he generally responsible for the system but he also receives all appeals from refusals of permission , and has the power to call in any application for decision by himself rather than leave it with the district council .
5 Why , for instance , does Peggy not get satisfaction instead from trying to eradicate the difference between herself and Boris , e.g. by helping him reach the answer himself rather than telling him ?
6 In so far as Hartman 's book wants to be read as a form of fiction , one can make the adverse literary-critical point that the prose is dense and cloyingly arch , with a crooning , caressing quality about it , suggesting the tone of a man talking quietly and earnestly to himself rather than trying to communicate anything to others .
7 John Sculley at Apple Computer Inc is another name that has been canvassed , and he is the exception that proves the rule that an outsider ca n't run a computer company , but he came in fascinated by the business and devoted all his efforts in the early days learning about it for himself rather than relying on his minions , something no-one taking over IBM now has time to do .
8 But he disengaged himself gently and shook his head .
9 But he finally got there and settled himself down and lifted his baton .
10 He came in on a boat , I suppose , and he plopped himself down and began making ukuleles , very good ones , and some fabulous guitars which are quite rare nowadays .
11 Cornelius sat himself down and regarded the envelopes with suspicion .
12 He was only a boy , hardly out of drama school and scared stiff and , by the time he 'd pulled himself together and gone back to do the right thing by her , the girl had disappeared .
13 He pulled himself together and began to read .
14 He pulled himself together and gestured with his free hand towards the flowers .
15 Then he pulled himself together and said , as they mounted the station steps under the concrete canopy : ‘ Now if we were cops inside the covers of a detective story , Mike , we 'd know for sure that Hatton was killed to stop Pertwee getting married today . ’
16 For centuries civilised man thought poetry was the pinnacle he must reach for — ’ He caught himself suddenly and smiled for the first time Blanche had known him to , the embarrassed smile of a passionate devotee who suddenly discovers that everyone around him , whom he thought entranced by his obsession , was in fact sniggering behind his back .
17 He loved these allusions to river craft and the water , once describing himself approvingly as looking like a rough bargeman .
18 He flung his head to one side and muttered something , his face was twisted up ; he pushed himself away and fell out through the entrance and on to his knees , and she sat down on the floor for her legs felt weak and the wounded one was throbbing painfully , and she crawled over to Sycorax and lay down beside her and sobbed hot , dry grief until she at last fell asleep .
19 The snake caught him again savagely round the legs with its jaws , but he managed to tear himself away and keep running until he finally passed out from shock and blood-loss .
20 Then he started to pull himself together , returned to Hollywood and stayed sober — except for Sundays , when he would lock himself away and drink like a fish .
21 He pulled himself away and sat on the edge of the bed .
22 He hurled himself away and tried to climb out .
23 ‘ I need a swim , ’ he said with a rueful grin , levering himself upright and glancing down at her with a look which sent her senses spinning into chaos again .
24 He drew himself upright and walked confidently through the bit of the lobby that gave onto the Cocktail Lounge , where ruddy-faced men stood panting and laughing , sleeves rolled up , ties loose , queuing for drinks or holding trays of them , laughing loudly in deep voices .
25 His knees almost buckled but he fought himself upright and managed to get Trent into focus .
26 Bonard drew himself upright and shook hands with everyone , once again the courteous , attentive head of the establishment .
27 Wasps tighthead Paddy Dunston finds himself upright and turned 90 degrees as Harlequins ' loosehead Jason Leonard turns the screw in a successful attempt to disrupt the Sudbury club 's front row .
28 He shrugged himself upright and moved towards the door .
29 Still dazed , the man eventually got himself home and called police .
30 Jesus pushed himself off and floated rapidly around the Lift , bringing himself expertly to a stop less than a metre from the slight form of Christine LaFayette .
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