Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] with it " in BNC.

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1 For years to come because if they stay out they give us hundred percent help to carry on with it .
2 But erm I du n no there 's some of them were n't prepared to carry on with it , you know these youngsters , there was a lot of 'em they would n't , anyway everybody 's not hundred percent you 're not going to get anywhere with anything .
3 I thought I 'd leave this one now cos I need some Playdoh to carry on with it really .
4 The crowd was so thick that she was carried along with it .
5 The crowd was surging out of the hall , we were carried along with it and I was worried about the baby in all this pushing and shoving , but did n't like to mention it in case William should feel he had to take care of me .
6 ‘ So why do they carry on with it ? ’
7 And er later on when he Well he got that he could n't carry on with it , you see .
8 If anything happens to me then you can rest assured that they 'll carry on with it .
9 we did n't , we did n't carry on with it .
10 Atomism , opposed to holism , holds that each sentence has its own meaning , which it can carry about with it from theory to theory .
11 I shall certainly be interested in carrying on with it as part of my natural diet now .
12 I think the important thing is not to let them go away thinking , you know , oh , why did I bother , there 's obviously no point in carrying on with it .
13 If you do , carry on with it .
14 So j just you just carry on with it .
15 This depends upon whether the Appeal Committee decides that it will have to adjourn the hearing and carry on with it later because some new and important information has been produced , or because the Committee want you or the Council to give it more information .
16 Was really poor there but I du n no if we 'd er stayed there or and carried on with it .
17 Such a given behaviour ( innate is the conventional term , but I prefer to avoid it if possible , for it carries along with it a load of redundant ideological baggage ) ensures that appropriate responses are made to particular stimuli without the need for trial-and-error learning , but at the expense of limits to both the range and the flexibility of the response .
18 The meaning of a given sentence , so far as it has one , is not some determinate characteristic which it carries around with it .
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