Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] with his " in BNC.

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1 Changez stood there looking out of the window and scratching his arse , completely ignoring his father-in-law , who had no choice but to carry on with his explanation .
2 He has had to go into year 5 because of the different age for secondary school here but he has coped well with it and is allowed to carry on with his own level of work .
3 He settled in for what seemed likely to be a long and gloomy winter : there was really nothing he could do except to carry on with his job and perhaps do some unpaid war work .
4 Frank was keen to carry on with his commitments in Blackpool … particularly with the Labour Party conference , he did n't want to let them down .
5 Father Cunningham plans to carry on with his pastoral work for many years to come .
6 Barry Silk immediately carried on with his preparations , slipping a six inch long knife into its calf holster and tagging the retaining strap .
7 British Aerospace worker Leonard Phillips , injured in a terrorist bomb attack on a tourist bus in Egypt , defiantly carried on with his holiday yesterday after leaving hospital in Cairo .
8 Lee did n't shake it like they did in the films but he did n't carry on with his tantrum .
9 He was told to go up to Cambridge , despite a shortfall of £60 in his funds , and that his college would do its utmost to ensure that he could carry on with his studies .
10 She let him carry on with his stupidity and offered no elaboration nor explanation of her terms .
11 He may have then reeled backwards and put his bloody hands on the wall to support himself before carrying on with his killing spree .
12 And a glint came to his eye when he said he would be carrying on with his pastoral work for many years to come .
13 Why not , he may wonder , carry on with his unilateral reforms while letting the drive for give-and-take negotiations on the constitution fall into second place ?
14 This would help to explain Scott 's ability to produce the vast quantity of work displayed in the House of Commons and still carry on with his normal office work .
15 Philip carried on with his tea .
16 When blindness compelled him to give up farming in 1966 he learned Braille and carried on with his public duties , being much in demand as a witty public speaker .
17 Delaney did n't look up , but carried on with his preparations .
18 Her husband simply dismissed her plight and carried on with his plan to go riding .
19 This is one of the few indications that Eliot gave of the fact that , in the periods between illness when he carried on with his ordinary duties in London ( as much as anyone 's life was " ordinary " then ) , he experienced the horror of the German raids : the nightly bombings , the streets blocked with rubble , the glow in the evening as fires burned throughout the city , and the peculiarly dank smell of ruined buildings : it was this which provoked fear , precluded concentration on other things , and destroyed the will to work .
20 Down in the cellar Broadman looked up , muttered to himself , and carried on with his work .
21 ‘ He left her lying there motionless in her own hall , the walls spattered with her blood , lying on her back and he carried on with his plan to steal , ’ Mr Burke said .
22 Meanwhile the surveyor , who is doing a ventriloquist act with his insurers , carries on with his surveys , charging higher fees to pay for his increased insurance premiums .
23 He carries on with his illogical druggy spew , obviously telling a tragic story by the look on his face .
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