Example sentences of "view it 's [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In my view it 's even more interesting than the Soane museum in Lincoln 's Inn Fields ; a perverse neo-classicism I suppose you 'd call it .
2 I think they can be very useful because a lot of having monarchy brings , you know , American tourists , a big influx into the country , and whether that 's good or not it 's certainly brings money into the country , so that from that point of view it 's quite good to have them .
3 But , from one point , from that point of view it 's quite true , I mean , i i if you define dirtiness in those terms , then they 're dirty .
4 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
5 ‘ We always encourage discretionary work , ’ says Christopher Taylor-Young of Taylor-Young Investment Management Ltd ( 071–407 3452 ) , ‘ because in our view it 's much more successful , and I think it 's a better service . ’
6 So from my point of view it 's very important to have contact with head teachers and to talk with them about these things , and to create a situation in which they can talk to each other .
7 Because from my point of view it 's still a total flop .
8 It 's a question of whose point of view it 's too far round from .
9 I mean if , if you take his view it 's fairly moderate .
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