Example sentences of "stand [adv prt] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dubcek urges Communist hardliners to stand down continued from page one possible five-year jail term on charges of sedition in what is being seen as a test case of the regime 's genuine commitment to a dialogue with the opposition .
2 Dubcek urges Communist hardliners to stand down continued from page one of Mr Czarnogursky .
3 An event that stands out occurred at Easter 1922 , just before I went into the Boys ' School .
4 It 's similarly with similar to the situation for training while the activist would like to get straight into a role of play , the reflector wants to stand back think about it , think about how they 're going to , what they 're going to do etcetera before they actually participate or get involved .
5 The obligation to urinate on demand offends many employees , particularly when an offical monitor — given the Orwellian title of ‘ Collection Site Person ’ in government regulations — stands by to guard against deceptive practices .
6 If you just stand around waiting for the enemy to come to you then of course your ladz will get bored , and naturally they 'll start to get a bit fractious , then inevitably they 'll end up failing an Animosity test probably just when you do n't want them to .
7 ‘ When he was in a reflective or depressive mood , you knew to leave him alone although his manners were such that if anyone came to him to talk , he would stand up to talk to them . ’
8 We ca n't stand around waiting for the fingerprints man , he could be hours . ’
9 For the briefest of instants , I was standing up looking in the mirror at the face of a man at the bar …
10 Only when he saw the two girls actually standing up to peer at him past the curtains of Healy 's window did he show any reaction .
11 He smiled slowly at her , standing up to come round the table and pull her gently to her feet and into his arms .
12 Jumping up , she flung open her suitcase and rummaged for something to wear , standing up to step into brief white silk bikini-pants .
13 By the third day they were quarrelling openly and at times so fiercely that the knights standing around went for their swords .
14 I shudder at the recollection of those long , cold hours standing around followed by long , deserted routes where the only struggle is you versus the wind , trying to keep the banner upright .
15 One afternoon the following week , Mary was coming into the yard having been to hear the banns read for the last time , when she came upon a group of local women standing around gossiping about the wedding .
16 This is despite the fact that art-on-the-walls offers a type of passive entertainment compared with ‘ live ’ acts , so that for the most part ‘ having a look ’ happens during an awkward gap in the conversation or when you 're standing around waiting for your change .
17 Animal rescuers are standing by to return to the Shetlands .
18 Although the deposed Communist Party leader , Mr Egon Krenz , has been credited with countermanding orders to issue live ammunition to troops standing by to deal with the Leipzig demonstrations , other sources indicate that it was the military district commander who stepped in to avoid bloodshed .
19 He stood up ticking off the events with his glass aginst the fingers of his left hand .
20 Mr Thatcher stood up to talk about fire-watching duties .
21 I pulled my boat near to the ship , then stood up to see through the cabin window .
22 I asked as I stood up to go to the bar .
23 No matter : as the Ultra to Shakespeare 's Enigma , Hughes continues relentlessly to crack the code of symbolic language and translate it into his own cryptological system : ‘ [ Othello ] plunges into the skein of Iago 's Adonis words , and stands up in them transformed , as Tarquin stood up transformed in the skin of Adonis , over the bed of Lucrece .
24 He checked the bathroom and kitchen and only then stood up to look through the windows to be certain that no one had made a run for the trees .
25 Lessons started again at nine o'clock and finished at twelve , when Miss Temple stood up to speak to the whole school .
26 He stood back to watch in admiration , hands on tattered knees .
27 As night fell Polly snipped her last snip , climbed down and stood back to look at her work .
28 Ken Stevens tipped up the wheelbarrow then stood back to rest for a moment .
29 They all stood around staring at her and smiling awkwardly , as if she was embarrassing .
30 He usually guessed at the contents of letters , and stood around waiting for his guesses to be confirmed .
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