Example sentences of "stand with his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 and how much he has in the bank , you know , how he stands with his credit card , so on and so forth .
2 The student stands with his legs apart at about shoulders ' width , sinks his abdomen low and keeps his back straight .
3 He stands with his legs slightly apart .
4 He stands with his weight on the right foot , his face lightly turned in that direction .
5 He stands with his mouth slightly open , trying to follow the script .
6 Lucker emerges from his room , and stands with his hands deep in his pockets .
7 Mr Parsons had turned to stand with his back to the fire , the eternal male hogging the best place in the room .
8 Maurice 's fists were clenched , his features contorted ; he got up from his chair and went to the window to stand with his back to the room .
9 Nor could he bring himself to stand with his back to the fire escape .
10 Continuing to stand with his back to her , he stared silently down at the muddy green waters of the River Thames for some moments , before turning slowly around to face her .
11 ‘ Anything — just as long as it contains a strong dose of alcohol ! ’ he told her crisply , continuing to stand with his back to her , frowning down at the irritatingly silent machine .
12 At night , when he was getting ready for bed , he would switch on his bedside lamp and stand with his back to it so he could see his shadow against the far wall .
13 The student should stand with his feet apart and gradually let each foot slide across the floor in opposite directions .
14 Only then did he stand with his back to the fireplace and look about the room .
15 George had been tried out in a variety of parts , but each time he stepped on the stage he would stand with his legs and arms splayed out and drone monotonously .
16 His very stance could be intimidating , standing with his head lowered , bull-like .
17 Instead he was standing with his head on one side , looking seriously at her .
18 The Robemaker was standing with his head bowed , sunk in thought .
19 About now , the first Hooray of spring can be seen stepping gingerly out of The Admiral Codrington and standing with his G 'n' T in the middle of the road .
20 The man they sought was already there , standing with his back to them , gazing at the great sarcophagus of Frederick III , first of the Hapsburgs to be Holy Roman Emperor .
21 The girls sat down on a large pew-looking bench in the alcove and laughed at Billy who was standing with his back to the blazing logs doing his knee bending policeman act .
22 He was standing with his back to a tree as all lone men stand if they can who are attacked by many .
23 ‘ Finished ? ’ said Joe , standing with his back to the closed door .
24 He could only see it himself by standing with his back to one mirror and looking in another .
25 Was standing with his back to the shop door and staring .
26 Gripping the bannister , she looked down into the hall and saw him standing with his back to the door , looking about him as though wondering if he would find her there .
27 Johnny was standing with his back to her , gazing blankly out of the window , but at her last words , he wheeled round and said sarcastically : ‘ Well , I was wasting my time , was n't I ?
28 Johnny was standing with his back to the window , his hands thrust deep into his pockets .
29 He was standing with his back to the fire , thinking how much less pleasant it would be in some seaside hotel or boarding house in the off-season .
30 He was standing with his back to her .
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