Example sentences of "stand up [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The answer is you do , providing it is n't wild and wet , but then little stands up to that .
2 Tommy 's record as a manager stands up to any scrutiny ; two championships , three Bass Cups , ten other trophies and regular jaunts to Europe .
3 I will be true despite thy scythe and thee ’ ) , in Sonnet 116 the Friend seems to have receded into the background while the poet stands up for all men ; Although the poet 's love is included in the affirmation , I would agree with Ingram and Redpath in seeing the poem rather as ‘ a meditative attempt to define perfect love ’ .
4 But Mark 3 stock in its conventional form has been involved in accidents , and has been found to stand up with little crushing and buckling in potentially horrific situations where in older stock casualties might have been high .
5 We , as professionals , need to stand up for that in which we believe .
6 ‘ It 's hard to stand up for that length of time , ’ said Couples , who had two double-bogeys in his 71 .
7 No one has yet been able to stand up to that complex and refuse to give it the money .
8 She had no doubt that Dana would be with Garry and her twin was n't made to stand up to that kind of trouble .
9 So if , if you are a poor peasant you are thinking hold on the Party expects me to stand up to this landlord and accuse him of this this and this , actually point a finger at him when there is a chance that , you know , the Kuomintang is , is twenty miles away and they , I know they 've come into other villages as they come back , m of land to peasants.s in the form of land
10 All you have to do is to be brave enough to stand up to those putting pressure on you or taking advantage of your desire to keep everyone happy .
11 Somebody has to stand up to these scum . ’
12 But Joseph was now resigned to moving to the reservation , saying : ‘ It required a strong heart to stand up against such talk , but I urged my people to be quiet , and not to begin a war . ’
13 Obvious care was taken to make these small black and white photographs stand up to such scrutiny as they were immaculately printed on fibre-based paper and mounted on expensive conservation board , also protecting the investment of the potential buyer .
14 I move them and instead of having a good scuttle across the floor , I stand up on these legs in quite the wrong attitude .
15 How , they argue , would Alice , or The Wind in the Willows , stand up against such scrutiny ?
16 ‘ Do you think they 're pretty when they stand up like this ? ’
17 One with a metal shaft and a moulded rubber handgrip will stand up to more abuse than one with a wooden shaft .
18 How does it stand up to this scrutiny ?
19 The patient is lifted if he has not recovered his ability to balance , that is , if he tends to topple and fall backwards and towards his hemiplegic side when he tries to sit or stand up without any support .
20 Does the Secretary of State agree that it is quite outrageous that people should stand up in this Chamber and attack the character of someone who is not here to defend himself ?
21 I believe they are standing up to this tour well .
22 standing up at this end was a lot were you here when he went through all the old headlines of er
23 You standing up like that . ’
24 Presumably it is because of the link between standing up in this way and the act of squeezing scent from the anal region that the posture has become associated with the firing of the anal glands by the defensive skunk .
25 I said , ‘ Goodness me , if you were really ill , you could never have stood up to this trip the way you have .
26 At first I was doubtful about taking him , for he did not look strong ; but the Sandfords assured us that he had stood up to several long treks with them , invariably producing good meals even under the most unfavourable conditions , that he never interfered with other people , and was always ready to lend a hand at any job .
27 Public administration and management in central government has stood up to these strains , but the weakness has shown itself in the apparatus of policy formulation and in the quality of many government decisions over the last 25 years .
28 On several occasions he stood up with some serenity and went to the bathroom , and dived back in again gracelessly scrabbling at his belt .
29 The flaps stood up on either side of her ankle , and were laced together where they met in a stiff ridge over her foot .
30 You ca n't have grown that high in eighteen years , stood up to all those gales , frosts , rain and hail , and not be bounding with energy . ’
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