Example sentences of "stand and [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He stands and looks at them for a long time .
2 One reason could be because all around them are utterly characterless , uniform , boring , and unmemorable buildings — nothing for them to stand and stare at , to wonder at and dream of — as there was in the heyday of the great stations .
3 ‘ All I want is to stand and look at you , dear boy ! ’ he said .
4 Corbett grasped the unfortunate messenger by the jerkin , forcing him to stand and look at him .
5 We both stand and stare at the man , and at the blood spreading amongst the red hair .
6 As a few of us stand and look at the Germans , Mills Roberts appears with a few of his Officers .
7 ‘ He used to go down there and stand and look at the frieze Bulkeley was carving ; the one that will surmount the cart and later be hung in the chantry chapel at the other end of this house .
8 A Shamen show is designed so you do n't just stand and stare at the band : and though the live act might be the heart of the show , the spectacle of Colin ( cropped Aberdeen curls , Trotsky shades ) , and Will ( shoulder length braided locks , shabby green fatigues ) is only part of an evening of light , music and effects that now involves around ten people .
9 Some mares will actually stand and paw at a paddock fence because they want to get to a stallion that is a couple of paddocks away — consequently they are likely to cut a leg or rip off a shoe if the bottom wire of the fence is too close to the ground .
10 Today he was quiet all right , standing and looking at the weather maps with the rest of his crew , smoking a cigarette with jerky hands .
11 I looked in the same direction and saw a group of men standing and staring at us .
12 Do not attempt to give massage at floor level when standing and bending at the waist ; this is even more harmful to your back than using a bed .
13 You 've stood and looked at them you 've listened to what they 've told you , now what can you do ?
14 Neighbours who were not so well thought of stood and watched at gun-point , while their homes went up in flames .
15 ‘ What — ’ He stood and blinked at her with his finger under his nose to stop the drips .
16 He stood and looked at them sway , feeling a unity with them as his body swayed to the same light breeze .
17 When a few minutes later , amid the oohs and aahs from the three women , she stood and looked at the person staring back at her from the long mirror , she could n't believe it was herself .
18 He just stood and looked at her .
19 I stood and looked at her , petrified .
20 They stood and looked at me .
21 There was a mirror on the wall and I stood and looked at myself .
22 I stood and looked at it and it came and rubbed itself against my leg .
23 I stood and looked at her aghast , as there were at least half a dozen screws watching , and writing notes or letters to another prisoner is absolutely forbidden .
24 Beuno stood and looked at the blaze he had made .
25 This set Jean Powers off on a torrent of exclamations and denials so that Helen could not have got a word in had she wished to ; she stood and looked at Giles Carnaby and tried to be calm .
26 We stood and looked at it .
27 She stood and looked at Mrs Mantini , and gradually Mrs Mantini broke down like an overheated fire .
28 He stood and looked at the piano .
29 He stood and looked at her for a moment longer , his eyes running over her scathingly , taking in the beautiful , angry face , the wide and annoyed grey eyes and the tall , slender figure concealed in such efficient garments .
30 ‘ I do n't normally waste shots on happy families , ’ Mitch assured him acidly , and Maggie stood and looked at them both wearily .
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