Example sentences of "meet [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 She met me with a friendly smile , shook my hand and introduced me to the class : ‘ This is Wanda , our new pupil who has come to live in our village .
2 you met me with an exalted smile
3 Sandy was doing a trash all-nighter at the Scala , and Dionne met them with a cocktail shaker .
4 He met them with a drawn sword , but it was Gwion and Colban and a score of others armed with staves , kitchen knives and clubs .
5 Its primary concern is to find out what its customers needs and wants are so as to meet them with the highest level of customer satisfaction .
6 What is more , we have sought to identify areas of disability that in the past have not had the attention that they deserve , and to meet them with the new benefits .
7 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interests as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest , longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world , can open up a whole new circle of people ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close to you , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
8 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interest as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world combines personal service with the speed and efficiency of modern technology to open up a whole new circle of compatible people for you ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
9 ‘ Thompson at your service , ’ said the landlord coming to meet him with a welcoming smile which disappeared quickly as he saw Midnight — his glance sliding from the metal collar to the handcuffs and on to Jess 's flushed face .
10 An RIB ( Rigid Inflatable Boat with a ninety-horsepower outboard engine , capable of nearly forty knots ) races out to meet her with the operations captain and a customs officer on board .
11 Right on cue a Brazilian goal arrived in the 54th minute and was largely the result of a surging run on the right and inspired cross from Jorginho , Careca rising to meet it with a firm header down past Van Breukelen .
12 Having anticipated this , Maria was able to meet it with a degree of control .
13 We will be meeting them with a hail of stones if they show their faces . ’
14 Ca n't imagine you meeting me with a nice cooked dinner and a a cake made by yo your own fair
15 Towards the end of the story , Gowie does start to become much nicer — not because of people threatening him , but because he meets somebody with a stronger personality who wants to be his friend .
16 When faced with one ‘ old boy type ’ executive' who on meeting her with a view to beginning an assignment declared that there was no place for women in his business , she announced that as he was obviously only looking for someone just like himself , he could do that better than she could .
17 And she had rarely met anyone with a sharper eye , or a truer judgement on people .
18 Meet them with a local businessman or at other functions .
19 The haughty Servants meet him with a Frown .
20 The Grimaud family had written to say that they would meet her with a blue Corvette .
21 If she was reading this , her eyes would meet mine with a glint of pleasure and a steely challenge .
22 However , if the scheme is viewed as one that does not tax interest on savings , then more consumption in the future can be financed from a given volume of savings and those seeking a target future consumption can meet it with a lower level of current savings .
23 So many happy memories met her with every step she took .
24 Some some of them were never in t I well I did n't know my aunt when I met her with a hat on .
25 Trent met it with a slight movement of the tiller bar , and the big catamaran lifted smoothly .
26 It was a defiant challenge , and he met it with a frown .
27 She met it with a puzzled look in her eyes .
28 At the door , Xanthe took her by both hands and held her so hard Miranda felt her nails cut into the palms and her eyes met hers with a pale blue flare , as clear as her father 's , and as unassailable , as she breathed out , holding Miranda by her side , and turned to face her father across the room .
29 His eyes met hers with a strange sort of intensity .
30 ‘ They 've got no consideration , ’ Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke stormed as she met us with a supply of dusters and aerosols and impregnated cloths .
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