Example sentences of "meet [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I made no comment on this at the time ( though privately I thought it a brash boast ) but when we met for the interview I asked if he had brought the pendulum with him .
2 ‘ He 's a man I met during the course of my work . ’
3 We met during the course of the Windsor affair in nineteen forty . ’
4 The people we met during the day became our table companions in the evening .
5 At first , she felt bereft , because all her friends were working and the people she met during the day were a generation older .
6 There also , in the early morning prayer time , Jesus heard the word that would sustain the weary he met during the day .
7 ‘ She had her friends , but they met during the day .
8 Though dogged by ill health in later years he was still able to work in his particularly single-minded way , largely because of the devotion of his wife Mitzi whom he met during the war , while serving with the Royal Engineers .
9 Someone , then , who you met during the surveillance of Latowa .
10 When it met after the Conference it set up a subcommittee to draft acceptable Standing Orders with which it could approach the Labour Party National Executive .
11 Not , says UI , to kowtow to any kind of preconditions SunSoft wants UI to meet for the firm to close on the desktop issue , but simply that USL does n't have resources to do all the development work coming down the line .
12 The DPP responded by calling off plans to surround the building where the National Assembly was to meet for the election .
13 A beat west past Bodrum town and it 's magnificent Crusader castle to meet for the evening barbecue at the Blue Lagoon .
14 The staff will need time to meet during the school day , as well as in after-school sessions .
15 Continuing nursing care , it 's important to stress here , that the continuing nursing care , the arrangements have relied to some extent on the use of joint finance to ensure that the Health Authority has been able to meet during the year the extra workload , and er , the budget settlement that they have , er , is actually being discussed at the moment with a view to the picking up some of those costs on a continuing basis .
16 The Galileo group of end users and system integrators pushing for a common graphical front-end on different types of computers are to meet during the Uniforum show in San Francisco next month : a couple of the Baby Bells and Mitre Corp are said to be latest converts to the cause ( UX Nos 415 , 423 ) .
17 Finding they had much in common , Coleman and Boohaker arranged to meet after the broadcast , and their subsequent friendship would doubtless have flourished anyway , even if the DIA had not pulled Coleman 's string in the autumn of 1989 and instructed him to cultivate the connection .
18 They arranged to meet after the show , and Kattina took her to the houseboat which was her home .
19 Applicants Tomorrows Leisure revised their scheme and amended the layout of the fairways to meet with the council 's demands .
20 In complex cases it may be useful for your counsel and your client to meet with the expert to discuss the report .
21 Participants will be given the opportunity to meet with the Company 's management , inspect its facilities , and review relevant internal documents .
22 Indeed I know a number of authorities who 're actually considering sending delegations to , to meet with the Minister to discuss the whole issue of sheep dip , and er , the lack of compulsory in er sheep dipping .
23 And er , I would like to propose that this Committee , together with the National Farmers ' Union and Country Ploughmens ' Association sends a delegation to London to meet with the Minister to discuss these issues and other , our concerns .
24 They asked for a delegation to meet the Social Work Committee ; they asked the Director of Social Work to meet with the Action Committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman to discuss the report issued by the organisation PAIN .
25 We were unable to meet with the Chairwoman of the Iraqi Women 's Federation , Manal Younis , as at the time she was on a ship bound for Iraq with a cargo of medicines and milk .
26 The Minister also said that the Scottish Transport Group intends to meet with the trade unions to discuss pension arrangements .
27 The Bank has agreed to meet with the IBOA to discuss the plight of officials in the above category .
28 It is angering to meet with the retort from some doctors that this is so much mumbo-jumbo , when they have not themselves lived in malarial areas and when they know that the present anti-malarial drugs on offer are not failsafe .
29 that consultation , they were waiting to meet with the county er
30 Where it is known that the debtor has more than one residential or business address , personal calls should be made at all addresses ; ( b ) should the creditor fail to effect service , a first class prepaid letter should be written to the debtor referring to the call(s) , the purpose of the same and the failure to meet with the debtor , adding that a further call will be made for the same purpose on the day of 19 at hours at ( place ) .
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