Example sentences of "far [subord] she [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Nor had they gone far before she was forced to stand still and stare up at tall tree-ferns , their gracefully curving fronds sheltering the path like a row of lofty umbrellas .
2 He had been Away on a Course when she first joined , and when she met him it was — as far as she was concerned — hate at first sight .
3 Money was poured out in an endless , and , as far as she was concerned , inexhaustible stream for her clothes and entertainment .
4 The staff told us she was the most difficult lady — as far as she was concerned nothing was right .
5 She took no new live-in lover , and as far as she was aware , neither did Charles .
6 As far as she was concerned , she told me over and over again , we were responsible for Dennis 's death .
7 She was always mine in so far as she was anyone 's , and she 's never been anyone 's and never will be anyone 's , you know .
8 Until , perhaps , another child came along and put a stop to such activities , at least , as far as she was concerned .
9 As far as she was concerned , the tea had been a success .
10 ‘ She said they 'd have plenty of room , and one more was n't any bother as far as she was concerned . ’
11 She emphasised that , as far as she was concerned , headhunters were rarely useful to high-quality , prestigious companies — such as BA , presumably — but did serve a function for low-profile businesses with image problems , whom they could puff up , and flatter candidates into joining .
12 Russia , Cuba , China , old man Cobbley and all , they were welcome as far as she was concerned .
13 He started accusing everyone from Sam Gristy to Jan Treffry himself of meddling with his fish barrels , and insisted on one of Sam 's barrels being opened as well ; but when it was found to be brim full Martha told him in plain terms that as far as she was concerned , he had lost the contest .
14 But she had been forbidden by her mother to have anything to do with her Pascoe cousins , and she was sure Tristram was under the same veto as far as she was concerned ; and for a long time — years — she had never even spoken a word to him .
15 She did not go on to explain that to remove anything would be wrong as far as she was concerned .
16 So far as she was concerned , the friendship with Martin Ward was just that — a friendship .
17 Then she turned to Xanthe whom she could avoid kissing , to keep her unbathed body away from the young girl 's groomed presence as far as she was able without coldness .
18 ( Emma 's first appearance ) ‘ In so far as she was beautiful , this beauty lay in her eyes : although they were brown , they would appear black because of her lashes … ’
19 She made up her mind that if she found herself frequently lying sleepless and agitated , then Memet should , as far as she was concerned , be cast into outer darkness .
20 She knew that he had nearly finished with the Jacobites ; and as far as she was aware he had nothing else lined up .
21 Alex wished she had not immediately thought of Matthew Prescott , who was not only emphatically not her new man , but unlikely to be any kind of man at all , as far as she was concerned .
22 He kept asking her to get to the point as he was in a meeting , while she was waiting for him to get to the point , since , as far as she was aware , he 'd made the call to her in the first place .
23 As far as she was concerned , Christine had simply left town and never been heard from again .
24 More than anything else could have been , it was searingly expressive of the contempt in which he held her , because he had ignored her face where her personality and individuality were written , his attention given wholly to a part of her body — and a body was just a body as far as she was concerned , with nothing to do with one 's emotional identity .
25 He appeared totally oblivious of her presence and did n't even look up as far as she was aware .
26 She was fascinated when he said he came from London — as far as she was concerned he might as well have come from the Moon , because she had as little likelihood of ever visiting either . ’
27 That had to be a good thing as far as she was concerned , she told herself , so therefore she took him exactly at his word .
28 Jason had never done anything overtly wrong as far as she was concerned until his outburst today .
29 But a small part of her cried that Ace seemed to have lost all sense of kindness and decency as far as she was concerned .
30 As for his arm , she decided , it could just fester and drop off as far as she was concerned .
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