Example sentences of "far as [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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31 He did not , so far as we know , see the necessity for structural change to remedy the oppression that women were under .
32 He was the first person , so far as we know , to record the fact that the tentacles of the common sundew are capable of movement .
33 Furthermore , if hood could belong to the set , there seems to be no reason why good should not also have belonged to it ; yet , as far as we know , it never did .
34 Then we emerge from these gentle hills into the broad levels of the Welland valley , and here , in the parishes of Great Easton and Bringhurst , we enter a landscape produced entirely ( as far as we know ) by the parliamentary enclosure of 1804–6 .
35 Only 225 boys were interviewed and their results , while interesting ( and , so far as we know , possibly unique ) , will be mentioned only briefly .
36 As far as we know , no other Esquire contributors can make this claim .
37 ‘ So far as we know . ’
38 As far as we know , this is the first detailed attempt to estimate the proportion of congenital abnormalities that are preventable .
39 As far as we know , IBM is the only company which offers discount schemes for people with disabilities and charities which work with the disabled .
40 On Oswiu 's death , so far as we know , the succession passed peacefully to his son , Ecgfrith , but concern for what would happen on the death of Ecgfrith is likely to have been acute .
41 So far as we know , the IMHV in the chick is a bit like the ‘ association cortex ’ in mammals — a region of the brain where inputs from many different sense systems converge and presumably become integrated .
42 So far as we know , Jesus never spoke in tongues .
43 As far as we know you 're blood pressure and things have been fine .
44 As far as we know , Traherne never married ; according to Wood , he led ‘ a single and a devout life ’ .
45 No cover at all as far as we know . ’
46 So far as we know there 's been no suspicion of foul play . ’
47 So far as we know , the real pioneer of the motet-type of organ ricercar was Girolamo Cavazzoni .
48 As far as we know there were only two places where he was likely to feel sufficiently at home to take his jacket off — in his own house and at Laura Passmore 's . ’
49 As far as we know nobody has , but we must n't be afraid to talk about what worries us .
50 He did not object , as far as we know , to the permanent dependency of clients and serfs , such as the clients of the Celtic chieftains ( frs .
51 The presentation of Pompey as a philhellene , as far as we know , was a whim of his agent and panegyrist Theophanes of Mitylene , not of Posidonius .
52 Later , as far as we know , Cicero never seriously returned to the subject of the Celtic society — not even in his speech for Caesar De provinciis consularibus .
53 In short , as far as we know , the Greeks lived happily in their classical age without recognizing the existence of the Jews .
54 The concept of political freedom , which is now so frequently bandied around by the coiners of political slogans , was , so far as we know , first developed in Athens in the fourth century BC where at least two-thirds of the population had the status of chattel slaves .
55 After all , the physical facts of life are commonplace throughout the universe ; the biological , so far as we know , are peculiar to this planet and then for only a very brief part of its history .
56 ( 3 ) The wife shall not so long as the husband shall punctually make the payments hereby agreed to be made commence or prosecute against the husband any matrimonial proceedings other than proceedings for dissolution of marriage but upon failure of the husband to make the said weekly payments as and when the same become due the wife shall be at full liberty on her election to pursue all and every remedy in this regard either by enforcement of the provisions hereof or as if this agreement had not been made.n So far as we know , the parties have remained apart ever since .
57 As far as we know , matter on the large scale , and in particular stellar matter , appears to be nearly neutral .
58 ‘ I 'll start with the facts as far as we know them at the moment . ’
59 As far as we know , very few boards took advantage of this opportunity , relying almost exclusively on education authorities and colleges of education .
60 On the motorways no problems at the moment as far as we know .
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