Example sentences of "result [be] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The overall conceptual framework is again that of the biotic ‘ struggle ’ for existence , the key result being the creation of distinct , ‘ natural ’ areas .
2 ‘ An outstanding feature of the result is the achievement of an underwriting profit in the UK where the benefits of rating action , more selective underwriting procedures and cost controls produced a substantial and continuing improvement in our performance in the second quarter .
3 So instead they hedge their comments and the end result is the person being appraised still does not know what the organization thinks of them .
4 However , the most striking result is the relationship between the ratings of subjective risk themselves and the subsequent probability of recall .
5 An important determinant of this result is the behaviour of public sector establishments .
6 As she looked for things to furnish the house with , Signora Silvana , with her innate good taste and love of beautiful things , developed another interest — collecting antiques — and the result is the Country House Hotel .
7 The result is the development of an eye , isolated and unseeing , in the belly of the embryo .
8 Formalizing Adam Smith 's remarkable insight of the Invisible Hand , this result is the foundation of modern welfare economics .
9 The result is the resurrection of the Oakhanger Preservation Society , and a protest petition already signed by 100 people .
10 The result is the phenomenon of externalization which we have been discussing .
11 The result is the breaking stress .
12 This is the other way : you fix the expenditure first , and you hope afterwards ; and if it does n't come off ( which it is unlikely to , if you are gambling on an improbability ) , then the result is the monetisation of debt with the consequences which we know .
13 The result is the creation of work-groups that are exclusively Pakistani , especially where night-work is concerned .
14 The result is the package index .
15 The result is the employee 's average weekly earnings .
16 The result is the employee 's average weekly earnings .
17 The interesting result is the relation between how well the rat remembers , and how long ago it was taught its trick .
18 The result is The Woman 's Domain , published in association with Viking Penguin on 30 August ( £16.99 ) .
19 The result is the Channel 4 music documentary Mister Roadrunner the follow-up to Holland 's Walking to New Orleans five years ago in which the jazz and blues fan travelled to New Orleans .
20 Another intriguing result is the sediment/mantle concentration ratios of Sr , Nd and Pb inferred from the curvature of the radiogenic-isotope-O-isotope arrays .
21 Every undergraduate astronomy student can tell you why the Sun shines : a series of nuclear fusion reactions , whose end result is the conversion of hydrogen to helium , happen on a vast scale , and release prodigious amounts of energy in the form of heat , light , X-rays and so on .
22 It is seen best when the homologous chromosomes are pairing at meiosis I. Since equivalent loci lie adjacent to one another ( loops or twists indicate these mutations having occurred ) the result is the alteration of the number or sequence of genes on the chromosome .
23 This most recent result is the culmination of a series of tests performed by Alain Aspect and his team at the Institut d'Optique Theorique et Appliquee at Orsay , near Paris .
24 The net result is the concentration of effective power in the hands of the government .
25 His party and that lot behind him have crucified small businesses , and the end result is the loss of many jobs .
26 The Pathan community in Bradford provides many such examples of community and family interaction where the net result is the oppression of women .
27 In practice , however , its main result is the production of large numbers of ancient artefacts and monuments .
28 The result was the treaty of Troyes of May 1420 .
29 The result was the transformation of a derelict Burton distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Newcastle into a modern centre dedicated to small design businesses .
30 When the technical skills of the big-budge filmmakers were combined with the ideas of those working at a lower level , the result was the possibility of a thriving national cinema .
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