Example sentences of "already [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The potential social and economic costs of AIDS to countries already ravaged by poverty are enormous .
2 However , while the Architecture-Neutral Format is unlikely to appear on the market this year , Goldstein says that the Foundation plans to hold a conference on the technology at the end of the year , to find out which companies are interested in bringing the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
3 However , whilst ANDF is unlikely to appear in the market this year , Goldstein says OSF plans a conference on the technology for the end of the year to find out which companies are interested in running the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
4 They acknowledge that parents ' grief , already compounded by guilt that they might have failed to look after their child , can be made still worse by police behaviour suggesting a crime might have been committed .
5 As mentioned , it was already forbidden by law to procure an abortion .
6 Hurlock , already booked by referee David Elleray , was walking a tightrope as Southampton battled to quell Forest 's fire .
7 Sixteen men were left in the 100 metres , already sorted by computer into two semi-finals ; eight would progress to the final .
8 The hottest property at Praxsys is a product code-named Snoopy , already adopted by Sun , which is designed to enable any NT or Windows application to run under Solaris on any RISC or on iAPX-86 hardware ( UX No 385 ) .
9 A flood warning has been issued for the River Wye in Herefordshire , where farm crops are already threatened by drought .
10 The Company provides a service similar to that already operated by Hygiene as well as covering larger drainage systems and dealing with other problems associated with liquid waste .
11 At the moment , I am working on a novel and the kitchen table has on it only the ancient German electric typewriter which I use to type out the second draft of what I have already written by hand .
12 Immediately after the service my aunt would dash to work at Nelson House , one of the Godolphin School Boarding Houses , whilst my mother and sisters came home to breakfast , already prepared by Dad , and in winter time he would also have the kitchen fire blazing away .
13 The tone chosen can indicate whether the tone-unit in which it occurs is being used to present new information or to refer to information which is felt to be already possessed by speaker and hearer .
14 Perhaps in the light of the demand for veterinary surgeons in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars , we could interpret Coleman 's efforts favourably as a ‘ crash programme ’ , already anticipated by Vial .
15 But if you recycle land already used by housing , you do n't necessarily get any more or any fewer dwellings .
16 ‘ Sovereignty used by authoritarian regimes to hide abuse of men , women and children is already condemned by history ’ .
17 Dr Farmer warned that SSSIs already damaged by acid rain would continue to be affected even after the EC directive comes into effect .
18 Access to the policy making of the LEA is already provided by law .
19 A future release , due this autumn , will provide Mach virtual memory and protection , beyond that already provided by System 7 .
20 The exemption is granted because the beneficiaries are already protected by trust law and therefore do not need to be protected by the COB Rules .
21 Add to the beast 's problems that it was already enfeebled by lack of nutrition , and one can see that its chances of survival were really pretty low .
22 If the Gospels gave a moral truth already known by reason , this would verify the Gospels , not our reason .
23 When the rain was falling and the sky was overcast the number of men on watch at night had had to be doubled , men already exhausted by lack of food and the interminable restoration of the ramparts .
24 In 1944 the French people , already exhausted by defeat and occupation , still faced malnutrition , strict food rationing and inflation .
25 But for the time being , Private Morrison 's family , already overcome by grief , can only wait and hope his body will be released to them soon .
26 Several hundred Tibetans , already worried by inflation , took to the streets to protest at the new measures .
27 An area of one square mile around Oxford Street was sealed off for almost five hours and traders , already hit by recession , lost millions of pounds .
28 The oyster farming industry , already hit by recession , would face extinction should the proposals be implemented .
29 It was important that , to begin with , Clive was to approach only people whom he already knew by sight — even if he had never actually spoken to them before .
30 The latter Dinah already knew by heart and loved , and the sonnets ; but now she was Imogen , Viola , Perdita , Portia , Beatrice , Juliet .
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