Example sentences of "believe [that] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 He repeated this over and over , as if he believed that it is only " they " whoever they were , told him how to act , then everything would be all right .
2 So he supported reunion with Methodists and believed that it was Canute-like to oppose the ordination of women .
3 Similarly , those who formed the National Government believed that it was National in the sense that its objective — balancing the budget — was shared by all parties .
4 Government recognized that nurses did not take strike action and believed that it was right to have a system of pay determination which meant that they did not lose by that policy .
5 Perhaps , like so many others , he sincerely believed that it was a just war and fought for his values in righteousness .
6 By and large , those who approved of conscription when it came did so because they believed that it was everyone 's duty to serve in the armed forces in any case .
7 As for the philosophers , Plato thought that all progress consisted in trying to approximate to a pre-existing model in the timeless world of transcendental forms and Aristotle believed that it was the realization of a form which was already present potentially .
8 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
9 Overall , somewhat more than half ( 57 per cent ) thought the law should be obeyed without exception , and slightly less than half ( 43 per cent ) believed that it was occasionally right to follow conscience and break the law .
10 From the day I first got an inkling of ‘ where babies come from ’ and taxed my mother with the proposition that I was therefore no relation to my father , I believed that it was me and me alone who had been responsible for all that pain and trouble called my birth .
11 The former believed that it was possible to regenerate people ( this applied emphatically to the young ) and , therefore , progress could be assumed .
12 Half of them ( about a thousand ) thought that extra-sensory perception was a likely possibility and sixteen per cent believed that it was ‘ established fact ’ .
13 There were a number of rabbits in the net but I never believed that it was the sheer weight of the catch that was responsible .
14 There was a time when we naively believed that it was caused by Immune Overload — too many stimulants and not enough rest and nutrition .
15 On 22 June 1991 , when the draft s 41 report — detailing the fraud — was handed to the Bank , PW believed that it was close to final agreement on the refinancing and the accounts and that BCCI would be saved .
16 Along with many others , Nyerere believed that it was possible , but he emphasized that this should not involve the rejection of outside influences :
17 The early Christians believed that it was God 's plan for the Jews to reject Jesus so that his death and resurrection could unite all people with God .
18 They believed that it was wrong because Jesus was mixing with people who were not tolerated by strict Jews .
19 The former Dean of the Institute , Dr Marten Shipman , believed that it was essential for schools and teacher training institutions to play a shared role in the development of students .
20 Under the legislation this was not in fact required ( only the Boards as a whole were required to break even ‘ taking one year with another ’ ) , but Citrine and his senior colleagues believed that it was a desirable principle that each Board should break even , and within a few years of nationalisation this was also tacitly accepted by the Boards .
21 Kennan believed that it was necessary to permit the Japanese greater freedom and that the interventionist role of SCAP should be reduced .
22 Both believed that it was too locally various and too unsystematically administered at the local level .
23 ‘ I do n't believe you can go on like this and get away with it , ’ was his core phrase , prepared with care because he believed that it was in the King 's idiom .
24 He no longer believed that it was possible to struggle against the cruel forces of capitalist wealth .
25 For example , Friedan ( 1983 ) believed that it was the ‘ feminine mystique ’ which prevented women from leading successful public lives ; the education system was partly to blame for the ideology of the feminine mystique , but equally the solution for women who were trapped in their roles as wives and mothers was to return to college to obtain an education .
26 Many believed that it was Havelock Wilson who had betrayed them .
27 But Carol Wilson believed that it was Branson who was ‘ stalling ’ over giving her any control in the company .
28 His associate Auguste Laurent- and both of them were kept on the fringe of the French scientific establishment — was more hopeful : he believed that it was possible to determine formulae and structures , but not inductively as chemists had so far tried to do .
29 Followers of the shotokai style broke away from the parent group of shotokan because they believed that it was deviating from the traditional teachings laid down by Funakoshi .
30 He believed that it was possible to apply scientific principles to each task which would replace the old rule-of-thumb method of working .
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