Example sentences of "believe [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Girdwood 's essay was in response to those who believed menstruation to be a peculiarly human phenomenon .
2 Alternatively , the public may simply have become more sensitised to crime , through media and press reports or the Government 's crime prevention publicity , and so believing crime to be on the increase they are more likely to report offences leading to a rise in recorded crime which will lead to further media attention and so on in a ‘ deviancy amplification spiral ’ .
3 Lucien told them that he believed Jeopardy to be a shallow individual , an offence to the art of Vibrancy .
4 She believed privacy to be a key requisite for a peaceful life .
5 The Abortion Law Reform Association , founded in 1936 by seven women , of whom Dora Russell , Stella Browne and Frida Laski were particularly sympathetic to the labour movement , believed abortion to be safe , but called only for legal abortion to be made available on health grounds , using as their justification the way in which deaths due to abortion inflated the maternal mortality rate .
6 This was not altogether without a sense of loss , from those individuals , perhaps , who believed passion to be vital and life-affirming .
7 At a press conference on April 25 , Li Peng said that he believed perestroika to be of a socialist orientation , and " earnestly hoped " that stability would prevail in the Soviet Union .
8 What was even more alarming was that the American president believed North to be some sort of hero .
9 However , in the manner of all philanthropists , she believed thrift to be the more correct solution .
10 Those who recall it well are positive , those who do not are negative , believing SSE to be inefficient and professionally threatening .
11 I do not think then that we can ‘ blame ’ earlier generations for believing Christianity to be true .
12 Believing revanche to be either unrealizable , or not worth the price to be paid , it looked to colonies , social progress and economic expansion for French achievement .
13 The first order of meaning is available to participants but the second order of signification is a ‘ hidden ’ level of meaning in that it is not readily available to participants ( who might believe striptease to be erotic ) and needs to be generated by an analyst who knows that it is there and so looks for it .
14 Essentially we believe feminism to be bourgeois and pro-capitalist .
15 We believe unemployment to be among the causes of ill-health , mortality , crime and civil disorder .
16 He had plenty of faults , but she had not believed falseness to be among them .
17 Interactionists made much of how such variations could lead to a ‘ deviancy amplification spiral ’ : if the public ( informed by the media of rises in the criminal statistics ) believes crime to be on the increase and more of a problem they may be more sensitive to it , report more to the police who will then record more and therefore produce a further rise in recorded crime , which is then fed back to the public by the media , and so on ( see Wilkins , 1964 ; and Young , 1971 ) .
18 These six poems are a brief moment of religious experience in an age that believes religion to be a kind of defeatism and puts its hope for man in finding the right secular order .
19 Its central theme concerns a young man , Colby Simpkins , who has entered the service of Sir Claude Mulhammer as a " confidential clerk " ; Mulhammer in fact believes Colby to be his illegitimate son , raised by a Mrs Guzzard in Teddington , but his paternity is thrown in doubt when Sir Claude 's wife , Lady Elizabeth Mulhammer , claims Colby as her own illegitimate son who had also been dispatched to Mrs Guzzard .
20 It identifies a number of key areas which Prof Friel believes need to be looked at including an integrated development plan , improved hotel accommodation , the development of the waterfront , the creation of jobs and a marketing and tourism strategy for the city .
21 But she is essentially faced with thinking out what she believes truth to be .
22 She believes fashion to be a Western concept , and tells me that the only other clothes an Asian woman needs besides a sari is a ‘ top ’ and a ‘ nice skirt ’ .
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