Example sentences of "believe the [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 A Gallup poll conducted for the Daily Telegraph two months after the Euro-elections found that an ‘ overwhelming ’ majority of the electorate , including three-quarters of those who voted Tory in the 1987 general election , believed the government was not doing enough to protect the countryside .
2 Andrew MacKinlay , Labour MP for Thurrock , said he believed the Government was now heading for a ‘ crazy course of action ’ to privatise services even with a high security content .
3 Just to make certain she believed the man was having an affair with his wife , he assured her that , despite his penchant for painting boys , the artist was n't gay .
4 But he was still not suffering from his hypmaniacal attack — he now believed the Mafia were after him — and when the ambulance stopped at Tottenham Court Road , a quarter of a mile away , he leapt out and set off again naked down the street .
5 After the decision , Mrs Taylor said she still believed the case was about Sunday trading .
6 In 1939 fashions were similar to the 1960s vogue , which may explain why Mr Cross believed the girl was real rather than an apparition .
7 On 1 July La Forest believed the revolution was dying .
8 John Horam , of Fulham , a former Labour minister , believed the Chancellor was pursuing the right policies . ’
9 ‘ the final question [ is ] whether the grounds upon which the creditor believed the document was fairly obtained and executed by a woman sufficiently understanding its purport and effect were such that it would be inequitable to fix the creditor with the consequences of the husband 's improper and unfair dealing with his wife .
10 She believed that as much as she believed the moon was made of green cheese .
11 He still believed the operation was worthwhile .
12 On the same programme , Lord Mackay said he believed the bill was a full response to the protests he had received since he announced the proposed changes .
13 But the lesson had not been learned , and when Benn fought Eubank as a champion 18 months later , he believed the fight was merely a stepping stone towards big-money outings in America .
14 Jones believed the burglar was Ronald Penrose , 43 , of Tonypandy , Mid Glamorgan , who had formerly lived in Pen-y-Graig .
15 Mr Major said he still believed the treaty was good for Britain and Europe , but added : ‘ We now need to consider the way forward . ’
16 Once he believed The Jam was the true sound of When you 're young' ; now he 's wised up , got hip to the fact that where the ‘ real kids ’ are at is …
17 ‘ Yet you , Farag , believed the dream was real enough for you to fancy you were rich , ’ Mahmoud pointed out .
18 ‘ I believed the genre was still an important and powerful one .
19 Since he believed the embryo was formed from the menstrual blood by the male dynamic in the semen it was clear to him that preformation must be excluded .
20 How often have I excluded people from discussion and decision-making because I believed the information was beyond their understanding ?
21 This is what they believed the news were out for you see , a statement .
22 When you asked me to undertake a review of the management of the Prison Service , I told you that I thought my recommendations would be easier for me to make than for you to implement , but you assured me you believed the climate was ready for some radical change .
23 He pointed to a recent Mori opinion poll which showed more than 30pc of the electorate would vote Lib Dem if they believed the MP was in with a chance .
24 THE owner of a valuable horse which was found bludgeoned to death said yesterday she believed the killing was carried out by someone with a grudge against her .
25 Littlecott believed the District was ‘ fighting a test case the result of which I feel confident will have far-reaching effects throughout the country ’ .
26 However , he believed the risk was minuscule as would-be donors were urged not to give if they were in risk categories .
27 Police have since recovered a car its believed the attacker was driving .
28 The Argentina captain said yesterday he was unrepentant , but added : ‘ If I have to say sorry I will , ’ for his remarks on Tuesday that he believed the draw was decided in advance , putting Argentina in the hardest group .
29 He said he believed the rupture was spontaneous .
30 So where , as in Morgan , defendants claim that they believed the woman was consenting , because her husband ( who was present ) had told them that she enjoyed a struggle , their case is simply that they lacked the fault element required for the crime .
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