Example sentences of "live in [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 Tt I think she lives in Clapham or something .
2 It needs a heart of stone not to sympathise with a figure in this predicament — a figure on whom it may rest finally to decide whether South Africa lives in peace or at war .
3 The brag lives in rivers or lakes and the object of all his eccentric ploys is to lure an unwary passer-by into the water for amusement .
4 You know — someone who lives in London or nearby .
5 I had not intended to intrude on my hon. Friend 's speech , but does he consider that a schoolteacher , whose salary is fixed through national wage agreements by the independent pay review body for teachers and who lives in my hon. Friend 's or my constituency in the south-east , is better able to afford the council tax on a higher band than a teacher who lives in Darlington or elsewhere in the north ?
6 Of these posts 40 per cent were filled by Liechtensteiners , the remainder being taken either by foreigners living in Liechtenstein or by employees commuting from Switzerland and Austria .
7 Those living in mid-water or along the shores have different problems and requirements , but for them too , the acquisition of a swim-bladder has had a potent effect on structure , for it has freed their body fins for all kinds of purposes .
8 A very strong emphasis has been placed upon the desirability of living in suburbs or in semi-rural areas .
9 In the wild they live in forests in the eastern Himalayas and western China at an altitude of 2,000 to 4,000 metres , living in pairs or small family groups , or more usually alone .
10 You have to reckon not only on the cost of living in London or some other city but also the expense of accompanying your master when he travels .
11 At the dinner the topic of conversation came round to a discussion of how historically interesting it would have been if people living in Saxon or medieval England had produced scale models of houses built in those days .
12 Variously reported as living in Algeria or in Gabon ( mid-1989 ) , he returned to Tripoli ( the Libyan capital ) in October 1989 , however .
13 The Gathering is primarily intended for lesbians living in Scotland or with Scottish connections .
14 Phillips and Williams ( 1982b ) found that over 10 per cent of the 1,000 applicants in South Devon were living in bedsitters or caravans , while about one in five were sharing a kitchen , bathroom or WC ; 5 per cent were living in accommodation that lacked at least one of these facilities , and some even lacked mains electricity or water .
15 In 1985 some 60 per cent of older people were living in poverty or on the margins of poverty .
16 Research has shown that older people with appreciable or severe disablement form a significantly higher proportion of those living in poverty or on its margins than older people with no disabilities .
17 ( Families living in poverty or relative poverty are today frequently characterized by having only one earner . )
18 The CPAG itself has chosen to define those earning less than 140 per cent of SB as ‘ living in poverty or at the margins of poverty ’ .
19 Not only were there more of them than of other groups living in poverty or on the margins of poverty ; more had no assets or virtually no assets , and fewer possessed substantial amounts of assets …
20 When he was a famous , rich , literary-establishment figure living in Antibes or somewhere they would all realize it .
21 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
22 There would n't be any ethical problems to worry about , because as that young man in the audience said , we 'd still be living in caves or the trees .
23 Students will benefit : those living in digs or halls of residence will no longer have to pay anything .
24 It is easy to do with halls of residence , but it is also easy to do where students are living in digs or even when they are the owners of properties .
25 The provision of health services for homeless families living in lodgings or hotel accommodation is a task for local GPs , health visitors and other members of the primary care team , and while depression , anxiety and emotional disorders are common , few require the services of the specialist mental health services .
26 This was because these capitalists lived in part or in whole out of the profits which should have been shared with all those who had helped in the process of production .
27 Similarly , 4414 West Ham residents worked at Tate & Lyle 's sugar refineries , 4171 ( 94.5 per cent ) of whom lived in Canning Town or Plaistow , while of the 3880 employed at the LNER locomotive works , 3444 ( 88.8 per cent ) lived in Stratford or Forest Gate .
28 If you lived in America or some of these other places where there 's natural wealth under foot , like Saudi Arabia , that 's a different matter .
29 And that produced a spin off effect , because the people who actually lived in properties or the shopkeepers in the properties , they could see that the outsides were improved , and that provided a spur for them to provide the insides .
30 Charles Booth found that 31 per cent of London 's population in the 1880s lived in primary or secondary poverty and a decade later Seebohm Rowntree claimed that 28 per cent of the people of York lived in equal hardship .
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