Example sentences of "though most [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The town was believed to have been founded in 1163 though most of the surviving old buildings date from the 16th. and 17th. centuries .
2 Furthermore , Attlee inherited a highly efficient Whitehall war machine , with a variety and quality of machine-minder unparalleled in the history of the British Civil Service ( though most of the gifted outsiders who had served as wartime temporaries would soon depart ) .
3 There are also pressures to raise agricultural productivity to accommodate population increases , though most of the land that can be thus exploited is in the uplands and is consequently susceptible to erosion .
4 But the state labour exchanges established by the new legislation were by no means the first attempt to assist workers in finding jobs , though most of the previous efforts had been confined to specific trades or occupations .
5 Even though most of the nail you can see is dead , regular buffing can promote healthy growth by stimulating blood circulation in the lunula ( half moon ) .
6 In most countries north of the Alps wine was the luxury of the rich , even though most of the wine drunk at this time was what we should call ‘ vin ordinaire ’ ; and even communion wine ( which had done so much to foster the growth of the northern vineyards ) was drunk less and less by the laity in these centuries , until communion in one kind became the rule .
7 But it seems as though most of the problems and dangers with E come from the underground manner in which it is supplied .
8 Planners there began to ask why it was that their residential streets were so dull and so unsafe , and why it was impossible to do anything else there except drive cars , even though most of the time there were no moving cars .
9 Most of the major off-licence chains are also owned by the brewers , though most of the expansion in this sector has been the result of the supermarkets ' willingness to compete with the established off-licences .
10 It is remarkable that this sexist labelling has continued as long as it has , even though most of the research on differences attributable to sex has not supported these labels .
11 Even though most of the working-class women had low skill , repetitive jobs , they picked out certain qualities of these jobs as satisfying by comparison with housework , and they shared this tendency with the middle-class women .
12 As always with Mussorgsky , and never more so than in the case of this opera , the issues are complicated ; and though most of the work 's admirer 's would now agree that Shostakovich 's orchestration is closer to the spirit of a composer he deeply admired than that of Rimsky-Korsakov , whose admiration led him to wish to ‘ sell ’ the work in the West , there are reservations to be made .
13 All the flats on the way up were empty and boarded up , though most of the boards had been prised open .
14 Though most of the tenants are probably Labour voters , the local Liberals and Tories have supported the co-ops .
15 This Act still forms the basis of legal immunities in trade disputes , though most of the relevant provisions have in fact been inserted by textual amendment by later legislation .
16 Hitch could hear shouting from the other boat , though most of the words were indistinct .
17 Then there had been nothing — nothing but bare rooms : now there was the semblance of a working facility , even though most of the equipment remained in cases , waiting to be unpacked .
18 This force was applied by those long , black-nyloned legs , and though most of the pressure was provided by her left limb , some residual effort pushed her right foot down as well , and on each occasion we speeded up , just momentarily , as her amply-soled Doc Marten pressed against the accelerator .
19 Quite likely there would be those who travelled to the Continent in the hope of establishing family links though most of the original strangers ' would by now be dead .
20 Carbonate deposition on the Great Bahama Bank is said to have averaged half a metre per thousand years , even though most of the sediment is continuously swept into deeper water .
21 Even though most of the 40 or so mothers can not afford the 35 pence-a-month school fees , will not turn the children away .
22 ‘ He also kept a diary of sorts though most of the entries do n't tell you much . ’
23 Though most of the negotiations of 1558 – 59 which culminated in the peace of Cateau-Cambrésis were still conducted in Latin it is clear that French was also extensively used .
24 Britain still has a bicycle industry ; frames and complete bicycles are manufactured here , though most of the components are imported .
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