Example sentences of "though there [vb base] be " in BNC.

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1 Doubtless some protestant paramilitaries — though there have been fewer religious persons among them than in the case of the provisionals — hold to similar religious understandings of the necessity of violence under certain circumstances .
2 Dr Margaret O'Brien , a chartered psychologist at East London Polytechnic and author of The New Man , told the conference : ‘ Though there have been many changes in family life over the century , it is surprising to discover that children seem to have such a traditional view . ’
3 There are other ways in which there is a slight risk of HIV transmission , though there have been no recorded cases :
4 There is only one record of a true albino tiger , though there have been many cream-coloured animals .
5 The majority in recent times have favoured approaches with a sign language or fingerspelling element , though there have been studies to support written language as a most effective communication ( White and Stevenson , 1975 ) .
6 First , though there have been some marginal changes , most notably in the steady trickle away from the north and west to the south and east , the main features of the regional distribution of population remain the same .
7 Though there have been some disappointments , the Greens in this country and in Europe are very far from extinct , and are consolidating and reforming themselves to be more effective .
8 None of these possibilities is countenanced by competition policy in any of the three jurisdictions previously discussed , though there have been calls for a more protectionist approach in the US .
9 Things are already remarkably ripe , even though there have been no air frosts yet .
10 In practice , to date , pursuers ' agents by and large have tended to specify their case with as much detail as previously though there have been efforts , to date challenged successfully , to give a briefer outline not much different from the initial letter of claim .
11 It has been suggested that there is not really a contrast between and , since only occurs in weak syllables and no minimal pairs can be found to show a clear contrast between and in unstressed syllables ( though there have been some ingenious attempts ) .
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