Example sentences of "though they may not " in BNC.

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1 In addition Mr Patient is very likely to have had one or two close friends , probably from some ti me back in his life history , who may be dramatically affected by his death , even though they may not be visibly there close by or apparently very emotionally involved .
2 However , she concedes that there will probably always be people who choose to work outside the mainstream , though they may not be formally organised or funded in the future .
3 There are probably more of them quietly getting on with it than is apparent , though they may not call themselves ‘ spiritual directors ’ — clergy , religious , lay people , tutors in jobs where Christian formation is important .
4 Large district libraries with bookstocks of between 40,000 to 100,000 volumes should ‘ meet the demands of all those whose main need is for books and information on specific subjects , even though they may not be engaged in formal study ’ , and also ‘ meet the needs of those who wish to select their books from a wide range of cultural or recreational materials of high standard ’ .
5 The statistical techniques of time series analysis ( autocorrelation functions and power spectra ) enabled at least three low frequency components of lymph-node movement to be recognised , though they may not all be active at the same time .
6 The company structure introduces the statutory requirement for an audit and the concept of directors ' liability even though they may not be shareholders .
7 The literal translation of onyxectomy , however , is simply ‘ nail-cutting-out ’ and that is what vets are doing , even though they may not like to be reminded of the fact when they record their day 's work .
8 Speak to a Kenyan distance runner in the high hills of the Rift Valley , a Bulgarian hurdler , a Soviet pole vaulter or even a Chinese high jumper and though they may not understand a word of what you are saying , when you utter the words ‘ Andy Norman ’ lights will shine in eyes and heads will nod in recognition and they will search , sometimes desperately , for an interpreter .
9 Task allocation also means that nurses become very familiar with doing particular procedures , even though they may not give much thought to why they are doing something .
10 Other people 's prejudices are not difficult to discern , even though they may not come right out with it .
11 It is an expensive exercise but one that many of our customers and prospective customers expect us to undertake , even though they may not fully understand its limitations .
12 The fact is that we give exceptional leave to remain because it would be inhumane to send some people , such as the Croatian that the hon. Member mentioned , back to their country at this time , even though they may not have made a claim of persecution .
13 Nevertheless , there are class interests involved even though they may not always conveniently reduce to one labouring class versus one capitalist class .
14 All teachers can contribute even though they may not themselves be teaching the course .
15 Currently , all FIMBRA members are able to offer pensions advice , even though they may not be properly qualified in what is acknowledged to be a highly complex area .
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