Example sentences of "though it may [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is just because whatever one has planned is bound to change as one proceeds that it is fatal to start too soon or too late , though it may be no less fatal , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , to start at the right time , for then there is no excuse , no excuse whatsoever .
2 In none of these cases do we think of the owner as having parted with the right of ownership , though it may be that the contract between the parties creates rights in favour of the bailee which the owner can not use his right of ownership to override .
3 Usually the art historical and scientific approaches to the same problem reach broadly the same conclusion , even though it may be necessary to rely heavily on one of the approaches to make sense of the other .
4 In short , we should call the offence reckless driving , but the occurrence of death , even though it may be regarded as bad luck , should aggravate the sentence .
5 The existence of a ‘ done order of going about things ’ , even though it may be strange to us , enables us to cope .
6 Sadly , it was not confined to writers and artists , for though it may be unfair to blame Nietzsche for his appropriation by Nazi ideologues , there is no question but that his doctrine of the superman and his apparent anti-semitism provided them with fertile soil .
7 Levine is described in the blurb as ‘ an extraordinary woman with remarkable intelligence , creativity and energy ’ , and I think that claim , far-reaching though it may be , is probably justified .
8 Desirable though it may be , it seems unlikely that texts on specifically chemical aspects of economics will be developed .
9 For example in the Organon 5th edition ( 1833 ) §276 : ‘ A medicine , even though it may be homœopathically suited to the case , does harm in every dose that is too large , the more harm the larger the dose , and by the magnitude of the dose it does more harm the greater its homœopathicity and the higher the potency selected . ’
10 This meant a redistribution of income in the rural sector from the wealthy to the permanent workers , though it may be the case that there was a widening differential in incomes between permanent and temporary workers .
11 But though obedience may be justly required , servility is not to be exacted ; and though it may be lawful to exert authority , it must be remembered , that to govern and to tyrannize are very different , and that oppression will naturally provoke rebellion
12 However , this point should not be taken to imply that the burden can be effectively discharged by the voluntary sector , even though it may be able to make a useful contribution to meeting these needs .
13 I can not but feel , though it may be an illusion induced by the delectable drug of understanding , that you must in some way share my eagerness that further conversation could be mutually profitable that we must meet .
14 Good television news coverage is of course a fantastic bonus , though it may be difficult to get for a modest but charming building .
15 Though it may be the last right remaining for the terminally ill or the aged , it is remarkably easy to undermine it .
16 Both the particular rule it lays down and , more important , the general principle it enshrines should be accepted as part of the English law also , though it may be debatable whether there is a need for it to be put into statutory form .
17 Literature , on the other hand , though it may be a popular choice of subject , should be optional .
18 We have to acknowledge , therefore , that the proper balance between the theoretical and the practical is not the only curricular problem with which schools are faced , though it may be the most pressing .
19 Diet will obviously get its mention for it is an exceedingly important part of the therapy , nevertheless , important though it may be , other attitudes , other therapies provided my hills and ultimately my vistas .
20 Though it may be possible to get professional or voluntary back-up for a few hours a day or a few days a week , an old or very sick and disabled person needs constant nursing and supervision round the clock .
21 Since vitamin E is fat soluble , this shortcoming in turn prevents it from entering the circulation , even though it may be present at normal levels in the gut .
22 Some are highly specialised and limit themselves to one particular type of prey , refusing all other kinds of meat even though it may be highly nutritious .
23 Add to this the ensemble as a whole ( unanimous though it may be ) should delineate rhythms accurately , and execute pulse and tempo with uniformity .
24 The savage misanthropy of Swift , the bitter cynicism of Waugh do not preclude such compassion , though it may be twisted , bleeding and mutilated by suffering .
25 It must be admitted that in deliberately excluding considerations of principle we are crediting the traveller with a rather narrow kind of intelligence , acute though it may be .
26 In this view , teachers have no direct contact with theory , though it may be dimly discerned through the description .
27 With its dependence on consumer spending , Lionheart has found that , though it may be an easy time to buy businesses , generating sales is more problematic .
28 And for the really adventurous there are opportunities to go much further , even for just a weekend — though it may be sensible to add on a day or two .
29 After all , if the self is felt to be nothing , any strategy adopted to enhance or promote it , desperate though it may be , is a step towards what most of us would consider to be health , and an action necessary for survival .
30 Petrol stoves burn hot and are generally fine in cold weather , though it may be necessary to pre-heat the burner on some models .
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