Example sentences of "though [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There , as though hanging from the green hillside , is Waddon Manor , with its air of vanished glory and its sad seaward gaze .
2 However , her books , though absorbing to the adult reader , are difficult to revive for the young of another generation because of their preoccupation ( even greater than that of her female contemporaries ) with social status .
3 They stood arm-in-arm , back to the traffic , as though looking over the railway lines , and Alice , holding the spray low down , wrote , " We Are All … " which is as far as she could go without having to move .
4 Cultural marginality refers to a different set of values , lifestyle and cultural patterns from the urban environment , thus suggesting that migrants may still have rural attitudes and traditions though living in the town .
5 She said it with an almost questioning tone , as though listening to the sound of her own defiance to gauge how real it was .
6 Without its even being necessary to resolve the question of the hierarchy of legislation which is implicit in this argument , I consider that it must be rejected , since even though according to the Preamble to the Geneva Convention of 1958 its provisions are ‘ generally declaratory of established principles of international law , ’ I do not consider the United Kingdom 's statement to be well founded .
7 The Duke held up his branch like a banner and began to lead the way along to the east gate , but a large part of the crowd stayed in a half-circle round the group at the table , as though waiting for the victor 's crow in the cockfight .
8 But he accepted the Restoration , though striving in the Convention to ensure a moderate religious settlement .
9 Though disagreeing with the line he had taken , I patted him on the back when he sat down .
10 If you do have one though moving around the screens is much quicker and easier than using the keyboard .
11 Though speaking from the longest distance , ’ wrote the editor of the Highbury Quadrant Church magazine , ‘ Mr Dawson , as on previous occasions , was best heard of all .
12 But remember ’ — he had lifted an arm now and was prodding with his forefinger as though pointing to the furthest corners of the country ( he was feeling the attention of the crowd and letting it recharge his energy ) , ‘ the people are mightier than a lord . ’
13 As though clinging to the last moments of a vanishing pleasure , he counted the baulks of timber edging darkly towards the boats .
14 Hauser called out as though asking for the tea to be served .
15 Some large organisations have specially designated press officers working within a press office which , though coming under the surveillance of the public relations department , is separate from it .
16 Breathe slowly from the stomach not the chest — breathing in to a count of four slowly and out to a count of four slowly , or visualize your breathing-in as going up one side of a hill , experiencing the plateau at the top and then breathing-out as though coming down the other side .
17 Anthea lay as though dancing on the hot folded sand , the pale , lively hair curved as though blown out on the duck egg blue towel on which her lovely profile rested , the skin darker than the tossed gold , the marvellous bones picked out by clear-cut shadows and glitter of sweat .
18 It was as though playing in the Wendy House was something I had to do before I could settle to weightier matters .
19 Though selecting for the polyadenylated mRNA on oligo(dT) affinity columns is possible , it is notoriously difficult even for the nimble fingered .
20 The play began its provincial tour in Cambridge ( it went all over the country , but when it came to including the play in Ken 's career notes for Who 's Who in the Theatre , he only mentions Cambridge , as though referring to the West End theatre of that name ) .
21 During my researches for this series I have met many people who , though agreeing with the theory behind the reforms of British medical education proposed by the General Medical Council and other bodies , do not think that reforms can be implemented on a wide scale .
22 He loved her , but his love , the love he wanted to be their love seemed stalled , stuck at some early stage , as though hibernating until the winter had passed .
23 The reflex component will continue to operate provided the spinal cord is not damaged at the sacral level and manual or other stimulation of the penis and surrounding area will result in erection even though feeling below the level of the lesion is lost .
24 He leaned forward with a sudden movement , politely offered round cigarettes and cigars , and then sat back as though retiring from the proceedings to his usual position of observer .
25 Johnny , as though realizing for the first time that he was still wearing his pyjama trousers , began to worry at the knot in the cord at his waist , the trembling of his hands causing him to fumble ineffectively .
26 All the figures in the three complete metopes and many in fragments of others turn their faces directly to us , in total disregard of the action they are taking part in , as though smiling at the camera .
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