Example sentences of "four and six [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fifteen two fifteen four and six pair 's eight .
2 In general , it is reasonable to assume that a simple transcription in traditional orthography ( that is , without using phonemic symbols or a phonetic transcription ) will take between four and six times the length of the original recording .
3 Six teams of experts are going to Russia and two to Ukraine for placements of six months to a year ; each team consists of between four and six engineers , who will install computerised protection systems and leak detection devices .
4 Initially on arriving at the site a panel consisting of between four and six persons is chosen , after careful screening to eliminate those with poor olfactory perception , to observe the odour .
5 The therapist arranged with the couple that they would attend between four and six conjoint sessions as outpatients during the next 3–4 weeks in order to explore ways of improving their relationship , particularly their lack of social life together , and of helping Charles control his physical aggression .
6 The molars will be at their sharpest between the ages of four and six years of age .
7 On the other hand , there is an interesting parallel between the five-year-olds ' poor performance in the deductive mode experiments and Wimmer and Perner 's ( 1983 ) finding that the ability to reason about another person 's false belief develops between the ages of four and six years .
8 ‘ I also felt that no serial/story should last longer than between four and six episodes ( I did n't want to risk losing audiences for longer , should one story not appeal ) .
9 In his guidelines , Sydney Newman had recommended between four and six episodes as ideal for each Doctor Who serial .
10 Between four and six episodes was Verity Lambert 's ideal length for a story , preferring the latter as it gave more opportunity for character development which , in her belief , audiences appreciated .
11 These days the official recommendation is that babies should have only milk up to at least three months , preferably four , and that weaning can begin any time between four and six months .
12 When they are teething , at between four and six months of age , puppies become especially destructive .
13 Saddam Hussein delivered a speech on March 26 at the ceremony to swear in the new Council of Ministers in which he acknowledged that the forthcoming period would be a difficult one for the new ministers ; he said that they would be given between four and six months to demonstrate whether or not they were capable of doing their job properly .
14 A period of between four and six weeks should be allocated for each competitor .
15 The interval between two consecutive sessions varied between four and six weeks .
16 It was suggested that the plaster should stay on for between four and six weeks after which he might like to think of building up its strength .
17 Oh , somewhere between four and six weeks .
18 They bring together some twenty to twenty-five people , mostly from Third World countries , but including some aid administrators from Britain and other developed countries , and they stay together for between four and six weeks , working together in a wide range of different topics and with various objectives .
19 Packages for three , four and six nights at a variety of hotels , including Arabella Congress , Holiday Inn and Hamburger Hof , are also available .
20 Teesmouth lifeboat towed into safe anchorage a fishing boat and a pleasure cruiser which broke down in separate incidents , four and six miles out to sea from South Gare headland , Redcar .
21 Between four and six police officers , together with as many as five social workers , descended on each of the homes .
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