Example sentences of "away down [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When Chris came out they turned away down a side street and Chris said immediately , ‘ I knew you were Maureen 's brother as soon as I saw you .
2 The noise is formidable , for the rocks clatter and bang away down a steel chute that dumps them back on the ground .
3 The single remaining radar mast of Bawdsey Manor points skyward , two miles away down the strand .
4 Local transport : Regular buses run to Bludenz , 11 kms away down the valley .
5 She ran away down the corridor .
6 Watched by her baffled cat , Mildred squeezed through the gap and hopped away down the corridor , convinced that nothing could be worse than just sitting helplessly in her room .
7 She could not be sure of it , but just after he entered , she thought she heard footsteps going softly away down the corridor .
8 Rory got ready to run away down the corridor .
9 Rohmer turned quickly , striding away down the corridor with Duvall close behind .
10 Rohmer and Duvall strode away down the corridor with Gilbert close behind .
11 Before per could enquire further about Miles 's odd behaviour , Zehavi moved rapidly away down the corridor , muttering angrily to himself .
12 To her horror , Folly saw Luke nod and turn away down the corridor , leaving her alone with this sinister whispering woman who seemed to take it for granted that she was meekly going to strip off and join in what could only be some kind of orgy .
13 He walked away down the corridor , without so much as a backward look , and tears stung her eyes .
14 She watched him stroll away down the corridor as if he had n't a care in the world , knowing full well he was putting the act on for her benefit , and that he must be worrying about the star performer who was also his best friend .
15 When he heard Robert , he scuttled away down the corridor .
16 The creature slithered away down the corridor .
17 All the Shermans turned to watch in alarm as the captain dashed away down the companionway , dragging a revolver from inside his white uniform tunic .
18 Common sense , reason , tell her to wash this away down the wash bowl , but thrift forbids .
19 He heard Gleeson 's whinny , wild and excited , and willed the runt 's head between his hands , to be crushed , destroyed , all the brains and blood running away down the marble butchering block .
20 The grip left Theda 's arm then , and Araminta hurried away down the hall , back to her eyrie .
21 I made ready to slip away down the passage .
22 After about ten minutes Christine came out of her room , alone , and walked away down the passage .
23 You can see them away down the river for miles now .
24 Instead of the usual friendly salutations , he scuttled away down the alleyway to sell his information to men like Waller and others to whom I owed debts .
25 They shook hands in the light-filled hall , and Miss Cress stood to watch Alida Thorne walk smartly away down the drive .
26 He said goodbye to Mary , cutting the blessings short , and hurried away down the drive to the road .
27 Isobel vanished round the house and after a while Anna heard the engine of her little car start up and putter away down the drive .
28 As her mother stamped away down the drive Peggy stared after her .
29 With a squeal of tyres , the dark green vehicle shot away down the drive .
30 I did n't mean to laugh when you said it it blew away down the drive !
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