Example sentences of "more than you 'd " in BNC.

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1 This may sound like standard Sunday Sport fare , but some people sincerely believe it , and more than you 'd think — the UFO business can be very big business indeed
2 More than you 'd normally get here in three months . ’
3 ‘ If you have money to spare , it makes sense to pay these off first because they cost much more than you 'd earn from savings .
4 The stitching is well finished and the Safari is a good quality shirt — but no more than you 'd expect for the price .
5 Nothing more than you 'd get with any married couple .
6 ‘ That 's more than you 'd dare , Deveraugh , ’ she threw at him from the relative safety of the riverbank , and he laughed softly , the sound of it filling her ears as she sped across the grass .
7 ‘ Much more than you 'd imagine , ’ she said in frigid tones , ‘ despite my being an American .
8 It 's much , it holds much more than you 'd think does n't it ?
9 I try to leave it one day , a believe me , it 's no more than you 'd die , like .
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