Example sentences of "must have change [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His life must have changed dramatically that June day three years ago .
2 Education , particularly for women , in that period must have changed enormously ?
3 She must have changed greatly in this time , although Gatsby still has a fixed , perfect image of her , seeing her more as goddess , than an ordinary human being , with bad as well as good points .
4 ‘ He must have changed so much , ’ she said .
5 The problem which arises from this is that we are never given any inkling of the totality of a king 's estates , and there is a particular difficulty in trying to construct a picture of crown land by listing all references to it from the whole Merovingian period ; if kings rewarded their followers by conferring estates on them , even though the grant might not be hereditary , the pool of land must have changed constantly .
6 She must have changed radically since she came to France , a carefree young woman writing home enthusiastic letters about her life in the sun .
7 The tales must have changed significantly over the generations .
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