Example sentences of "must be aware [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This does not just include design and quality engineers : everyone within the company must be aware to some extent .
2 Following the poem 's ritualistic treatment of history and treating it in accord with Eliot 's method for ritual 's interpretation , if we take ‘ enough cross-sections to interpret a process ’ , and the poem invites us to do so , then we must be aware of a general downward movement .
3 And he must be aware of people since he is not only concerned with the technical standing of machines but also with the physical and mental health of his operators .
4 People living in a particular society must be aware of their laws and institutions since they have to obey them .
5 Later , when he contacted a third brother , Mr Tunc Kuntar , and threatened to complain to the authorities , Tunc said : ‘ If you do you must be aware of the consequences of that . ’
6 Later , when he contacted a third brother , Mr Tunc Kuntar , and threatened to complain to the authorities , Mr Kuntar said : ‘ If you do you must be aware of the consequences of that . ’
7 Roirbak , naturally , must be aware of Malamute 's identity .
8 Each of them must be aware of what that role is and understand how crime affects profitability , investment and employment opportunities .
9 In order to be safe outside , the patient must be aware of his limitations .
10 This is not something which can be left to governments or industry ; each one of us must be aware of our own actions — what products we use , how we treat the earth and so on .
11 First , he must be aware of the overall strength of use of the section being revised , compared with other sections of the library .
12 As with all CAB advice work , the public must be aware of the service available , but in particular in hospital and prison work the clients must be constantly reminded that confidentiality is paramount .
13 If he is to play successfully with others he must be aware of them as persons like himself , with feelings and rights which must be recognized and adjusted to .
14 Secondly , the therapist must be aware of the patient 's coping resources and supportive relationships .
15 As outlined at the beginning of the chapter , for the student to make full use of the learning opportunities available during a ward allocation she must be aware of what these are .
16 Similarly the student must be aware of the opportunities for learning , so that she is able to make full use of her time on the ward .
17 If British Standards or Codes of Practice are referred to , the surveyor must be aware of their content and limitations .
18 We must be aware of this and constantly compare the copy with the real thing to see if it is still valid .
19 I would not wish to get too involved in debating this exact point since one must be aware of its vagueness .
20 There are a great many different swings , but a child must be aware of the skill necessary to make a swing work , that is , transference of his own body weight , as he goes forwards , backwards , up , down and sideways .
21 And you must be aware of the full extent or limitations of whatever is offered to you .
22 A ball sliced or hooked will be exaggerated by the wind , so if you are generally inaccurate you must be aware of this .
23 I feel sure Mr Wilson must be aware of the poem by the Irish poet , Gerald Griffin ( 1803–40 ) entitled , HyBrasil , The Isle of the Blest and ‘ the peasant who heard of the wonderful tale in the breeze of the Orient loosened his sail ’ , and who ‘ died on the waters away far away . ’
24 Supervisors should be trained to be observant and sensitive to the needs , morale and problems of employees subordinate to them , and must be aware of the proper channels through which specific problems may be detected and dealt with .
25 Businesses involved with these goods must be aware of the special requirements , but for other traders , the following general principles will apply .
26 To understand the dynamics of the situation , one must be aware of who is joining , where from and why , and who is leaving , where to and why .
27 This means that older children must be encouraged to discuss famous texts critically , must be aware of the reasons why the traditional English canon , from Chaucer to George Eliot , has been so much under attack in recent years .
28 Last night England manager Geoff Cooke said he had n't heard about the incident , but confirmed : ‘ We have always said that players who play for England must be aware of the responsibilities that go with that . ’
29 It is only necessary now simply to reiterate this pitfall and say the professional must be aware of it from the outset of contact with parents .
30 You must be aware of that .
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