Example sentences of "over a series [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nicholas Dyer is imagined as the builder of Nicholas Hawksmoor 's churches in the East End of London ; the enlightened edifices of a rational Christianity are thereby ascribed to a devil-worshipper , while the name ‘ Hawksmoor ’ is assigned to the Detective Chief Superintendent who , in the later narrative , frets himself into a delirium over a series of stranglings which takes place in the vicinity of the churches .
2 Ramblers were often trained as weeping standards , with their stems tied to a vertical pole and then fanned out over a series of hoops to cascade down to the ground .
3 Liverpool was a curiously sensitive man who presided with firmness and tact over a series of Cabinets containing men of greater ability , several of them future prime ministers .
4 Over a series of dives , Skorupka eventually reached a point some 420 metres from base at 30 metres depth .
5 By sailing consistently over a series of races , you win by other people 's mistakes .
6 Attacks on the occupant 's blood-pressure can come nowadays , not from an overbearing monarch , but from an apparently limitless number of rebellious back-benchers , trying to establish control , or at least scrutiny , over a series of increasingly overbearing executives .
7 Venables and the Spurs board have been upset over a series of allegations Scholar has made in his book ‘ Behind Closed Doors ’ , which is published today .
8 Walking north from Gargrave the Pennine Wayfarer follows a meandering path over a series of drumlins to Airton , where an old cotton mill was once used for the manufacture of Dettol .
9 Clark ( 1973 ) assumed that , given the arrival of information , the values of the consequential price change and volume of trading are distributed independently from each other , and that each variable is independently and identically distributed over a series of information arrivals .
10 In 1978 Mexican Communist theorists and activists ‘ polemicised with Soviet Latin American specialists over a series of issues relating to the character of Mexican capitalism in the late 1970s …
11 Prehistoric started with a long pan over a series of cave murals : a man , a woman , a fight , a fuck , a tiger — a spaceship .
12 The barge-owners had to go as far as the brewery wharf across Maurice 's foredeck and over a series of gangplanks which connected them with their own boats .
13 Greece also lodged strong protests over nationalist attacks on Greeks and their property in Albania , and over a series of raids on villages on the Greek side of the Greek-Albanian border .
14 Over a series of evenings at the end of March and the beginning of April , 13 chief examiners gave Associateship candidates invaluable advice on the techniques which could lead to success in the approaching examinations .
15 The same accounting methods are applied over a series of reporting periods so that trends can be identified and comparisons made .
16 Here he uses free secco-type recitative over a series of tense percussion rolls .
17 In extreme cases , people had gone without fuel for up to eight days over a series of two-week periods .
18 The Queen has arrived in Cyprus for the commonwealth conference , to a row over a series of executions thirty years ago .
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