Example sentences of "tell [pers pn] exactly [subord] " in BNC.

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1 She had not told him exactly where she had got all the money that had been spent so freely around this house , but of course he guessed .
2 Suppose you tell me exactly where and how you last saw him . ’
3 The gross statistics of variation do not , of course , tell us exactly when ( or why ) these changes of footing happened , but they do provide evidence that they took place .
4 None of these tell us exactly where this house stood but go to great pains to state that a field of this name is still extant .
5 Are the worried by legal problems Let barrister Fenton Bresler tell you exactly where you stand
6 Let barrister Fenton Bresler tell you exactly where you stand
7 ‘ I can tell you exactly when I saw you last , ’ Peter said , the urge to surprise her briefly triumphing over the other emotions she aroused .
8 ‘ Would it be too much trouble , ’ she enquired sarcastically , ‘ to tell me exactly where we 'll be this time tomorrow ? ’
9 I 'm in touch with someone who should be able to tell me exactly when he was at the Institute — and when he was n't . ’
10 This situation is made more complicated by the fact that there is no indication from the transmitter stick to tell you exactly where zero pitch is , so you have to fly by feel and observation of the model .
11 If you asked him where a particular coin was he would be able to tell you exactly where it was on display , even to where it was pinned in a case .
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