Example sentences of "back to his home " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At least there is justice , ’ he said after flying back to his home on the Isle of Man .
2 I reckon he died cos he wanted to go back to his home in Heaven and be with God .
3 After winning the Berkhamsted he went back to his home club and picked up the Watson Trophy with a 69 .
4 So he sat down again and listened to the story of the Damianis , of their life in Jaffa and of how they fled in 1948 , how David Damiani stood on the stern of the ship off Jaffa port and wished he could have turned round then and gone back to his home .
5 He played reasonably well ; four or five birdies and we headed back to his home .
6 Wished them both goodnight — very respectable — and drove off back to his home , a big country house in a village just north of the city , called Kahlenbergerdorf . ’
7 He used to be chauffeur-driven to market and one evening , when returning via Lower Road , Bemerton , on the way back to his home at Donhead , saw a small child in the water , being swept downstream by the fast-flowing River Nadder .
8 At about 11.20pm he left the party to catch his train back to his home at Beaconsfield .
9 Another airport rally is planned for Denver , Colorado , at 5am and then it is back to his home town of Little Rock , Arkansas , to vote .
10 He had been beaten by soldiers , he said , who had taken him back to his home and stolen the money he had hidden there .
11 By the end of the book we share with Hooper his sense of personal loss as he begins his journey back to his home in the peace of Hampshire .
12 Within ten minutes , George , having got back to his home in Warwick Square , rang me up and said , ‘ Arnold , I have a press announcement here .
13 It was nearly five o'clock and dark before Detective-Inspector Doyle got back to his home in the village four miles to the north of Cambridge .
14 Odinga , aged 80 , was reported to have been interrogated by police in Nairobi before being driven back to his home near Kisumu 400 km away .
15 sort this out sensibly , the police overreact , they arrest him at midnight in the clothes he stands up in , they take him down to the police station , he 's held in the police station for about thirty six hours or so , something like that , er instead of being brought before the court straight away and released on bail straight away , they , they keep him in custody where he 's never been before , er and Madam he 's then released on bail but court imposes silly conditions on him , conditions that he should n't go back to his home address , he ca n't go and see his girlfriend , he ca n't go and see his children , er , and Madam it seems to be an abuse of the process really of the court to behave in this way .
16 Today saw the culmination of months of hard training as Hugh slipped his canoe into the waters of Lough Ryan for the solo trip back to his home town .
17 Mr Parcell said Levy and some friends had gone back to his home and there was a ‘ food fight ’ .
18 But he was n't ready yet to go back to his home and rummage around for documents .
19 there , there , there be fighting and shoving and pushing for the power and then it says there that it will look as though the , the north king will take all over , all over the what , what spread all over the earth and then it says gradually he will go right back to his ho go home , gradually will be stepping back , right back to his home and there 's going to be no helper for him
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