Example sentences of "find myself at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I can not say how strange it was , how peculiarly dead I felt , when I awoke to find myself at a distance from my father .
2 At the age of 30 , I suddenly found myself at a turning point in my life .
3 I walked round the walled field and found myself at the edge of a tinkers ' camp .
4 I soon found myself at the Gasthof Lôwen in the little village of Sasbach .
5 I desired with almost sickening intensity something never to be described ( except that it is cold , spacious , severe , pale and remote ) and then , as in the other examples , found myself at the very same moment already falling out of that desire and wishing I were back in it .
6 Before I had really recovered , I found myself at the railway station , where I said goodbye to Dulcie and we went our separate ways , promising to keep in touch , as one does .
7 Then the talk turned to the West and I found myself at the centre of questions .
8 The scene shifted and I found myself at the head of a stairwell , aware that yet another place might be reached but only by somersaulting over the banister and walking my feet down the opposite wall as one might descend a defile in a crag .
9 ‘ I suppose I took the wrong path , ’ he said , ‘ and I found myself at the edge of a cliff . ’
10 In a short while , limping and protesting , I found myself at the local prison , pushed into a filthy stinking room with some two dozen other malefactors .
11 I turned over … and found myself at the top of page three .
12 ‘ Yet you must have help to free you from this condition and , frankly , I have found myself at a loss .
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