Example sentences of "because it means that " in BNC.

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1 Later we go to sleep with the noise of rain on the flysheet , that noise that is at one time both infuriating because it means that tomorrow 's enjoyment may be curtailed , and soothing in a strange way .
2 It can be very enjoyable , amusing and romantic ( because it means that a relationship with a man must deepen through glances , smiles and phrases with hidden meanings ) .
3 It matters because it means that a trust can be construed even from words which look rather unpromising .
4 Some firms that make TV sets like the idea of the tree and branch system because it means that profitable electronics must be built into the receivers which they sell .
5 In many ways this is an understandable attitude to adopt , because it means that one is not forcing one 's moral decisions on someone else .
6 This regulation of registration often causes bad feeling because it means that Chinese people friendly with foreigners are easily recognised and traced .
7 Being a writer is in itself a type of contradiction because it means that you are both an actor , a participant in the world and also an observer , an interpreter , a maker of meaning .
8 IBM Corp 's James Cannavino took some time out to explain exactly what Louis Gerstner is doing with regard to the company 's restructuring — Gerstner , he says , ‘ has stopped any organisation in IBM that was creating a subsidiary just for accounting reasons ’ — instead , he decided it was better to change the accounting practices — ‘ which is great ’ declares Cannavino , ‘ because it means that the accountants are staying up as late as we do now ’ .
9 Cannavino took some time out to explain exactly what Louis Gerstner is doing with regard to the company 's restructuring — Gerstner , he says , ‘ has stopped any organisation in IBM that was creating a subsidiary just for accounting reasons ’ — instead , he decided it was better to change the accounting practices — ‘ which is great ’ declares Cannavino , ‘ because it means that the accountants are staying up as late as we do now ’ .
10 I loathe the transfer of ‘ Guernica ’ because it means that never again will other works by Picasso be acquired , bankrupting the State in the process and providing an example of how not to paint .
11 Dynastically this is important , because it means that the Queen now has four male heirs in direct succession , all in good health .
12 So in fact a high score is , is quite good because it means that you recognize what your preferences actually are .
13 Renormalization , however , does have a serious drawback from the point of view of trying to find a complete theory , because it means that the actual values of the masses and the strengths of the forces can not be predicted from the theory , but have to be chosen to fit the observations .
14 This suits other banks because it means that they can earn interest on surplus funds , knowing at the same time that they can get them very quickly , at call , if necessary .
15 And what this means is that from now on the cla lectures will trail the classes , which , which does n't matter and is actually quite er a good thing in the sense that what will happen from now on is that we 'll first do a topic in the class and then I will give the lecture on it the week after , or possibly even two weeks after , which is okay because it means that then in the lecture I can concentrate on filling in the gaps , straightening out the misunderstandings and generally adding to what we did in the class , rather than leading as it were as I have up until now .
16 You see it makes it easier for us as well because it means that if you do if you are there we can leave you in charge for ten minutes while
17 Erm , for them , because it means that the county council , when they are making a profit , D S O makes a profit has more money to spend on education , which will improve the standard of our schools in this county .
18 So , if erm so your , your , your principal complaint , I maybe wrong it maybe not your principal , look at page a hundred and twenty seven for your assistance , erm standard form of agreements restricted competitions , the service of the petitions or the agents provided so this is names and thereby restrict the competition as the agents them say erm then impose on that it was a regime etcetera , erm that the , the competitive the anti competitive one is your sub paragraph one is n't it ? , on page one , two , seven your saying look here is a of , of dictated through their bi-laws , a standard form that all agents must use , you say , erm , er that that restricts competition because it means that agents are free , or as free as they ought to be , erm to compete with each other or providing services to outside names , I follow that , I did n't say I except it , but I follow that entirely , erm , but does n't , does n't , if you 're right does n't it follow that the agreements are void ?
19 You can actually get stronger as you go along on all the benefits so instead of selling one benefit , you could sell them a multitude of benefits because it means that if you 're with a customer two hours or two and a half hours , instead of spending ninety percent of the time , chatting along , you , you 'll not argue about , you follow me , I 've stopped selling benefits , but I used to sell them brillian brilliantly , in other words you get , gives you a bit of meat
20 Now erm in some ways actually this makes it rather nice to be an evolutionist because it means that people care , you know , people are actually interested in what you 're doing and that 's fun .
21 No I think it could save lives , because it means that we have immediate access er to what 's going on and so on rare occasions , life and death decisions can be made down the telephone .
22 Now , that is a terrible thing , because it means that whatever Mr Hussein has done , he has also in fact , written the death sentence for millions of children who will never have heard of him .
23 I mean , it 's not a great , from a computing point of view , it 's not great having some erm you know vast faceless organisation which is going to make sure everything 's alright , because it means that when something goes wrong , it takes weeks and weeks and weeks to get it sorted out , because you have to fill in a form in triplicate , get it signed
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