Example sentences of "one [modal v] argue that " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore one may argue that the subordination of women in the church reflected the cultural conditioning of people in the first century .
2 Whilst one may argue that it would be wrong to attribute ego-functions to animals in which the id/ego differentiation was difficult to justify because their behaviour was largely under instinctual , preprogrammed control , it is nevertheless true that some mammals — and in particular some higher primates — do seem to show a plasticity of behaviour and an elaboration of activity which clearly point to the beginnings , however primitive , of ego-functions proper .
3 For such reasons , one may argue that there is a continuity of comic tone between the Miller 's and Reeve 's Tales which counteracts such contrasts as may be produced by cold moral calculation .
4 One may argue that ( although one should not expect too sympathetic a hearing in the courts ) : 1 .
5 A one-time regular denizen of city theatres and radio broadcast suites , one might argue that only an ex-Goon would have chosen to live along Dumb Woman 's Lane in a small hamlet near Rye in West Sussex .
6 One might argue that this feature of hypertext will forever prevent it from being convertible into cohesive linear form .
7 One might argue that Montini , who had more ‘ on-the-job ’ training for the office of pope and was intellectually better prepared for it than anyone since Benedict XIV in the eighteenth century , became pope too late to give of his best .
8 In these terms one might argue that some languages ‘ give away ’ more about the status of a speaker ( and the relationship with an interlocutor ) through their grammatical structure , while others do so through paralinguistic features .
9 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
10 By analogy , one might argue that in a democracy in which the people are , in effect , sovereign , the only effective restraint in the last resort is likely to be that of the people over themselves .
11 One might argue that a three month deadline would be just that — a time after which teams looking after unconscious patients should make realistic decisions about their prognosis .
12 To put the case far too bluntly , one might argue that a fifteenth-century scholar 's chief concern and the measure whereby he was judged was to achieve excellence in that is , knowledge or learning , through teaching and writing ; whereas a seventeenth-century scholar 's chief interest and the measuring rod of his success was the attainment of the high learned offices and the power , salary and perquisites that went with them .
13 One might argue that spontaneous remission may have occurred in our patients .
14 On the grounds that these seem to be used paradigmatically for ordering , questioning and asserting , respectively , one might argue that it is pointless to search for internal linguistic motivations for these three sentence-types : they recur in the languages of the world because humans are , perhaps , specifically concerned with three functions of language in particular — the organizing of other persons ' actions , the eliciting of information , and the conveying of-formation .
15 One , one might argue that erm one might argue that there is a cynical implication thereupon , one might argue that but , but in i i in exactly the same way at the moment you might argue that all the assurances they 've given on Hong Kong are , are not worth the paper they 're written on and , and , and as soon as the , soon as you get through to nineteen ninety seven they 'll walk in .
16 One , one might argue that erm one might argue that there is a cynical implication thereupon , one might argue that but , but in i i in exactly the same way at the moment you might argue that all the assurances they 've given on Hong Kong are , are not worth the paper they 're written on and , and , and as soon as the , soon as you get through to nineteen ninety seven they 'll walk in .
17 Er er certainly in retrospect one , one might argue that erm politically there was nothing to stop them
18 One could argue that digital technology is n't the only way to solve a particular circuit problem ; a nifty bit of design work with a couple of op-amps plus a few Rs and Cs can replace a complex digital filter system .
19 One could argue that British inhibition has played a part in the poverty of British scripts .
20 One could argue that there are certain situations in which the risk of serious harm is so obvious that it would be right for the law to impose a duty to take care to ascertain the facts before proceeding .
21 Now , no one could argue that all the problems of financial management — particularly as an aid to achieving the maximum VFM from limited resources — have been overcome in the NHS .
22 One could argue that such complaints constitute some kind of rationale for a general feeling that there are too many incomers in the area .
23 If it were mine and I wanted to make serious use of the bass , I 'd probably take the E and A drones off , as one could argue that they do n't do enough on top of the heavier bass strings , which might be better used for playing ‘ proper ’ bass lines .
24 One could argue that this inverted logic is acceptable because art ca n't be divorced from its conditions of production and consumption .
25 In The Prelude ( though one could argue that Wordsworth is writing after meeting Coleridge ) , he tells us that he felt these emotions as early
26 With openness , one could argue that the Institute would be seen to be discharging its obligations under statutory regulation and its charter .
27 One could argue that since the Institute has to be seen to be acting in the public interest , complete openness along these lines is the only alternative .
28 The educational and cultural gap between the élite évolués and the rest of the African population was noted by Almond and Coleman as a ‘ marked discontinuity in communication ’ between the two ; at the same time , between this African élite and European Frenchmen , ‘ one could argue that a unified communications process tended to develop ’ .
29 Even so , one could argue that it is necessary for sociolinguists at least to attempt such a distinction between folklinguistic stereotype and linguistic fact : particularly when the stereotypes in question are both ludicrous and contemptuous of women speakers .
30 One could argue that the poisonous atmosphere in rugby is a rather sad reflection of the vitriolic exchanges between politicians .
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