Example sentences of "should [be] concentrate on " in BNC.

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1 The Commissariat for War stressed that the new funds should be concentrated on papers produced for distant units which would not otherwise get any press organ .
2 For example Bergmann et al , 1978 found that 38 per cent of a sample of 83 patients with organic mental disorder referred to a day hospital assessment unit lived alone ; and the authors concluded , after following up the sample for 12 months , that those who lived alone were least likely to be maintained at home for that period of time even with substantial support from social services , and recommended that resources should be concentrated on those who lived with their families .
3 The issue is not whether the UK should back nuclear safety research at Ispra ( those of us in the field in the UK are all in favour of that ) , but whether the majority of the resources ( and even an increase in the planned budget ) should be concentrated on a single project which can not possibly give results until late 1986 .
4 Home Office Minister of State Earl Ferrers warned that Labour 's plans would retain the existing appeal right in most cases , under-mining the Bill 's fundamental point — that the resources of the appeals procedure should be concentrated on dealing more speedily with major decisions .
5 With the extension of appeal rights to all asylum seekers , it is not unreasonable to propose — as the Lord Chancellor and my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary propose — that this anomalous double provision should end and that increased resources for advice should be concentrated on UKIAS , especially as the service has a better record of winning cases than solicitors and is more cost effective .
6 Rather , resources should be concentrated on selective priorities , giving preference to near-market research designed to improve Europe 's industrial performance .
7 A study commissioned by the Forestry Commission suggests that growing timber should not be the main priority of Britain 's forestry policy , but that efforts should be concentrated on creating a wide variety of mixed-wood forests for recreation , environmental regeneration and wildlife habitats .
8 On the face of it , this is a month when you should be concentrating on your future and accepting your share of the limelight .
9 Surely it has better things to do than worry about such matters , and Professional Conduct Committees and indeed , the Joint Monitoring Unit , should be concentrating on cases of misbehaviour or improper conduct by its members .
10 Managing director , Chris Dawes , says the company decided that it should be concentrating on what it was doing with the box , rather than the box itself .
11 People in the picture should be concentrating on what they are doing .
12 ‘ You are really wasting your energy on me , ’ said McAllister severely , ‘ when you should be concentrating on your patient .
13 We should be concentrating on particular aspects of school life , not producing information which already exists and duplicating it .
14 I would like to say that we should be concentrating on traffic management schemes which included traffic calming and take this I 'd like to give you a few examples .
15 Bob could I ask you , if I understood correctly , one is that really logging is not the main problem , cutting down rainforests , and two , if their really was efficient logging it might actually be better for the rainforests , the consequence of which if that 's correct would be that we should be concentrating on governments , rather than on timber .
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