Example sentences of "way [prep] tackle the " in BNC.

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1 Debt-for-equity swaps have been used before in a number of South American countries , including Argentina , as banks have sought different ways of tackling the region 's chronic debt problem .
2 Think of different ways of tackling the conflict , of narrowing the gap between points of view .
3 However , the therapist should also gradually try to help the patient look constructively at ways of tackling the problems .
4 Furthermore , should such precision in stating a criterion enable test constructors to produce , unambiguously , a set of test items which exemplify it , there may be alternative ways of tackling the items .
5 Employers ' organisations like the Confederation of British Industry and the Institute of Personnel Management have also proposed ways of tackling the problem .
6 Ways of tackling the council tax on air :
7 When applied in a commercial or public sector decision making context , it typically consists of three elements : eliciting from the decision making body its view of the likelihood of different possible futures relevant to the project under decision : assessing its valuation of alternative ways of tackling the project for all of the possible futures envisaged : suggesting the most appropriate course of action in the light of the two previous steps , using explicit and theoretically justifiable evaluation procedures .
8 The number of people who die from the habit is increasing every year , and a special conference has been looking at ways of tackling the problem .
9 Mr Cowan , who has an 11-year-old son , plans to call a meeting to discuss ways of tackling the problem .
10 But the Home Office report suggests other ways of tackling the problem : more low and non-alcohol drinks on sale .
11 There was another way of tackling the issue of Twyford Down .
12 This means , of course , that the kind of contradiction I mentioned earlier is rarely discovered by the average fundamentalist because their one-dimensional way of tackling the text , a few verses at a time , will not lead them to make these uncomfortable and , I think , liberating discoveries .
13 One way of tackling the reluctance to read might be the introduction of a hitherto unknown entity in France — the campus bookshop .
14 As mentioned earlier , making deeper and deeper beach starts is often a successful way of tackling the water start , provided you have a gently shelving beach .
15 And even Mrs Thatcher 's detractors in the senior bureaucracy do accept that her anti-collectivist , commanding style is one way of tackling the overload problem , temporarily at least .
16 Another way of tackling the problem is to separate completely morning and evening attendance figures so that you can evaluate church-going and the appropriateness of your morning and evening programme of services .
17 One way of tackling the conversion is to build a stud partition wall .
18 If you are in arrears they can tell you the best way of tackling the problem as well as helping to work out your budget .
19 As a way of tackling the major problem of making something essentially static into something always forward-moving , I offer this tip .
20 Although this is by far the most flexible way of tackling the problem , the results depend on the quality of the software and the ability of the user to code English sentences into phonetic strings .
21 Simulation tends to be used in problems where mathematical solutions are not possible , or where long time scales are involved ( eg predicting — population changes over a 30 year period ) , or where there is no other way of tackling the problem ( eg charting space-satellite trajectories ) .
22 The notion of the health-promoting school which permeates all aspects of school life seemed to be gaining favour with many schools and may be one way of tackling the situation .
23 The panel could support such a project contrary to the county structure plan and the south Buckinghamshire local plan only if satisfied on three counts : first , that the need is abundantly clear ; secondly , that the way of tackling the flooding problem as set out in the application is undoubtedly the best of all possible alternatives ; and thirdly , that a wide variety of outstanding issues are each resolved in the best possible way .
24 All it takes to give this work a decent hearing is five intelligent and compatible singers , a good deal of rehearsal time , sensitive discussion about the best way of tackling the considerable demands both of the words and the huge span of music , and some recording equipment .
25 I suggest the medial lead the way by tackling the problem at its roots , and begin by calling these miscreants car thieves , which is what they really are .
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