Example sentences of "very difficult [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We worked on gut feeling and it was very difficult to control and manage all the development work because of the technology involved .
2 These are only a few of the choices before them , but even these are very difficult to prioritize and at times some of them must be sacrificed at the expense of others in this play .
3 Such attitudes are often very difficult to shift and the therapist who forces an alternative view of management is doomed to failure .
4 The more entrenched feeding problems can be very difficult to treat and take a long time to show improvement .
5 That sort of relationship would be very difficult to sustain or to generalize beyond one or two individuals .
6 The paradox here is that this variable is very difficult to access and would not be accessed at all if our field methods and analytic methods were inadequate ; yet , the variation has strong social meaning within the community .
7 Says Melville , ‘ We learned that it 's very difficult to live and work together . ’
8 In contrast to the other states though , Germany was still a series of small states and principalities , and this made it very difficult to finance and develop the railway network .
9 They are not very difficult to feed and will eat a wide range of commercially prepared foods , including flake , although the odd offering of live food will be greatly appreciated .
10 erm because that 's like a continuous thing erm with with some other stuff , if it 's just like essays or projects due in at the end of this term or beginning of next , you know get , get the light stuff out of the way first erm and try you may find it easier if you , if you , what I used to do was sort of try and , you know , pace it out a little bit and not try and write an essay all at once because I found that very difficult to do but if you just sort of write a paragraph and do , do something else for a bit and you know kind of write another paragraph a bit later on in the day and , and , you know , kind of erm you know work , you know do n't , do n't try and write an essay all in one evening but try and sort of , you know , if you 've managed to spread it out over the course of a few days so that you do n't have to do too much at once I mean it 's difficult to concentrate on one thing
11 This was very difficult to do and there was a tendency to place the y-intercept at the origin .
12 Such a shot is very difficult to judge and , therefore your better club choice may be a No.9 iron or even a No.8 iron .
13 There are major difficulties with the use of this technique , since it is likely to result in programs whose structure is extremely opaque , and which are therefore very difficult to understand and debug .
14 Unfortunately the definitions of many of these features are also very difficult to understand and there are twice as many of them .
15 I find this poem not as effective as ‘ Futility ’ in getting its message across as there does not seem to be much emotion in it and it is very difficult to understand and that takes away much of the effect .
16 An alternative to water in sprays is needed in the tropics where water is often very difficult to obtain or transport to the field ; it evaporates so rapidly that the effectiveness of sprays is further reduced .
17 Erm principally this area is wide open farmland so long views of a new settlement will be provided and it 'll be very difficult to try and disguise that in any way .
18 Until recently , the division used Lotus 1-2-3 to handle its consolidation : ‘ It was extremely flexible and reasonably quick , but it was very difficult to maintain and highly reliant on one person . ’
19 ‘ They are very difficult to protect and are at high risk of terrorist attack when off-duty , ’ added the minister .
20 Reduced to its minimum , the Latin American idea of a ‘ party ’ comes down to a group of friends , which makes the Leninist concept of a totally committed , exclusive vanguard very difficult to accept or implement .
21 Doing them altogether , I find difficult to do , apart from the weather point of view , if it could be fitted to two maybe , you know you co you go to somewhere in Church Stretton okay , it 's distant enough when you have one place to go , when you do the Wellington section , you 've got four , and I find it very difficult to work and chase round to children 's homes , to give it any .
22 I have a Series III , two and a quarter SWB and I find it very difficult to start and keep going , even with the choke right out .
23 In practice , these provisions will be very difficult to apply but the preamble to the EC Directive may give some assistance as it talks about the European Community being fully committed to the promotion of international standardization .
24 This situation is very difficult to handle and it is worth trying to avoid early escalation of treatment with sulphonylureas and then progressing to insulin .
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