Example sentences of "may be involved [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Within the social services department liaison may be involved with the home care service , residential and day care establishments , wardens and sheltered housing to help maintain a client at home .
2 The ward nurses will need information from the patient and his family and from other people who may be involved with helping him in the community .
3 Your public relations work may be involved with products themselves , the company 's image or financial status .
4 Your spouse or partner or other colleagues may be involved with the same language .
5 Regrettably , not all hospital employees are in a position to forget about this inevitable outcome — in fact , their daily work may be involved with the direct handling of the dead .
6 Five major factors may be involved in the decision to ‘ go international ’ and these are shown in the diagram on the next page .
7 A useful analysis of the way in which different levels of management may be involved in the functions of budgeting is provided by Davies ( 1984 ) who uses Anthony 's three levels of management and relates them to people in Figure 4.3 .
8 If the baby is severely handicapped , they may be involved in a discussion over whether the child should be allowed to die .
9 Suppliers staff may be involved in training , particularly for product demonstration , if this is representative of their normal support .
10 Other smaller glands contribute mucous secretions to the ejaculate , and , like the prostate , may be involved in infection .
11 The heart may be involved in a gonococcal myocarditis , pericarditis , or endocarditis .
12 If the embryos have taken so much trouble to have so well-defined patterns of cleavage it is a reasonable expectation that the cleavage pattern may be involved in specifying cell fate .
13 Large quantities of gas may be involved in the eruption of basaltic lavas ; when the lava is below ground , the gas is kept in solution in the molten rock , when the pressure on the lava is reduced the gases come out of solution and bubbles form , just as they do when a bottle of champagne is opened .
14 In addition , microtubules may be involved in the internal alignment of platelet organelles before the release reaction and , furthermore , may help govern the degree of response to circulating agonists ( White et al , 1981 ) .
15 Other factors which may be involved in this important property are : secretion of plasminogen activator ( Loskutoff & Edgington , 1977 ) , a membrane-associated ADPase ( Lieberman et al , 1977 ) , the presence of heparin-like membrane proteoglycans ( Thorgeirsson & Robertson , 1978 ) ; the ability to take up and degrade vasoactive amines ( Johnson & Erdos , 1977 ) the uptake and clearance of circulating thrombin ( Lollar & Owen , 1980 ) and surface charge ( Sawyer & Srinivasan , 1973 ) .
16 Other specialists too , such as those in the paramedical field , may be involved in ward teaching .
17 First , what do we need to find out , who may be involved in the process and how ?
18 The human body is very complex , and the human mind even more so — a book such as this can only provide a glimpse of the factors that may be involved in your child 's illness .
19 From the point of view of professional conduct rules , the problem posed by chains is how far individual members of the RICS may be involved in different links at the same time .
20 Each of these systems involves quite different risks and responsibilities for the employer , contractor and surveyor who may be involved in the design and/or management of the project .
21 Here , Sara Ladbury and Clive Mira-Smith highlight the central fallacy underpinning the complex relationship between training and labour markets ( chapter 4 ) , Sue Buckingham-Hatfield demonstrates the dangers of crude measures of the leveraging of private capital with government investment and she , Neil Smith ( chapter 5 ) and Liz Bondi ( chapter 6 ) all focus on the downsides that may be involved in the visible expression of residential urban regeneration that is often conveniently tucked away in the concept of gentrification .
22 Much incidental mathematical experience may be involved in the organisation and preparation , as well as the clearing away .
23 Schoolchildren may be maypole dancing or in the procession in fancy dress , local groups and societies enter floats , others may be involved in the fund-raising events that take place throughout the year or senior citizens may be invited to the ‘ old folks tea and treat ’ ( which takes place on the Monday ) , organised by the maypole committee and an important part of the May weekend .
24 They may be involved in planning , organising foreign trade , predicting the money needed by their economies , but few are involved in developing Marxist — Leninist theory itself .
25 Social workers may be involved in bargaining with carers over how much assistance can be given to an elderly person , and how much support from services may be required to make the situation manageable for them all .
26 For example , in his review of the functions of the inferotemporal cortex in rhesus monkeys , Dean concludes that this area may be involved in ‘ stimulus categorization ’ , rather than visual perception .
27 Although the client will usually be charged with a minor offence , cases can be complicated , whilst the out of town criminal may be involved in more serious crime .
28 These two peptide hormones have opposite effects on vascular tone and on smooth muscle cell proliferation , and as neointimal proliferation and vasospasm may be involved in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease , the most likely mechanism by which the ACE polymorphism affects the risk of myocardial infarction is by modulating the level of these peptides in the coronary arteries .
29 The latter study has suggested that Bcl-2 might protect cells from apoptosis by altering mitochondrial function and that mitochondria may be involved in apoptosis .
30 This indicates that the events are caused by the low-energy particle precipitation and suggests that they may be involved in the production of polar cap density ‘ patches ’ .
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