Example sentences of "may simply be [art] " in BNC.

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1 This may simply be a matter of explaining once again the implications of the diseases in terms of any personal relationships , giving advice about contraceptive clinics , or just lending a sympathetic ear while the patient unburdens his or her problems .
2 It may simply be a normal problem which a minor tackle or bait adjustment can deal with .
3 Correll suggests chemicals may simply be a more difficult target .
4 These techniques may be the conscious application of ideas which have been subjected to previous appraisal and are therefore the realization of principles , or they may simply be a set of more or less formulaic activities sanctioned not by appraisal but by the approval of authority .
5 ln the latter as operation may simply be a matter of conforming to standard practices established by collective experience over time .
6 In other words , if retirement , in either informal or structured versions , has existed throughout history , its recent growth may simply be a tribute to its attractiveness .
7 This may seem rather unlikely in the very limited capacity loop in the model and may simply be a fraction of semantic memory .
8 At one level , this may simply be a matter of ‘ massaging ’ the statistics , something in which all governments engage .
9 The article by Mr Monti , who had been touted as a possible external candidate for the governorship , may simply be a case of sour grapes .
10 It may simply be a fundamental divergence of attitude .
11 Moreover , this result may simply be a reflection of the generality and ’ everydayness ’ of Estate Agents ' text : just as the LOB gave good coverage of this domain , the Banking corpus also contains language structures that are representative of estate agent 's text .
12 If no clash is found then the lowest graphical representation necessary to satisfy the designer may simply be a text string saying " no clash " .
13 Highly constraining technologies , like assembly lines , can produce in workers a desire to ‘ beat the system ’ , while other acts of sabotage may simply be a byproduct of pressures for output .
14 Often they result from particularly stressful circumstances but they may simply be a moment of carelessness .
15 It does not have this appearance , however , and it may simply be a copy that updates but generally reproduces one that was written in about the 1270s by or for Richard of Haldingham .
16 Again , the Secretary of State 's specious point is answered point by point by the Social Security Advisory Committee which stated : ’ The number of applications for review , while it creates additional work for local offices , may simply be a measure of use rather than manipulation of the provision .
17 Although convection in the mantle has attracted considerable support as a likely cause of plate motion , it has also been argued that flow in the asthenosphere may simply be a consequence of the drag exerted by the movement of overlying plates .
18 Violence may be the erm scenes that we 've been witnessing of terrorism lately , or it may simply be a boxing match , or a rugby match , or something like that .
19 Bearing all this in mind , what are we to make of Searle 's ( 1984 ) claim that the brain does not identify faces via information processing of the kind described in cognitive models and that , as far as the cognitive sciences are concerned , there may simply be no story to tell ?
20 A course may change radically without changing its title ; conversely , re-titling a course may simply be an exercise in re-packaging it for external consumption .
21 Kitchen designers are often just salespeople and the ‘ design ’ may simply be an exercise in fitting units into the space available .
22 He may simply be an entrepreneur who perceives the opportunity to buy resources at a total cost lower than the revenue he can obtain from the sale of output .
23 It may be that the patient feels gratified by someone taking his or her illness seriously , or it may simply be the power of suggestion — because they feel they are being offered a cure , they actually begin to get better .
24 It may simply be the result of little domestic refuse being left around the farm ; cereals may not have been processed there , or , if they were , not in a place likely to have resulted in their being burnt and therefore preserved .
25 Ideological preferences are similarly of little use , since they may simply be the way in which politicians present their views in order to gain public acceptance .
26 It may simply be the case that Boswell , seeing that Johnson chose not to mention Culloden , took the same course of action .
27 A multitude of medical conditions are due to being overweight , which in many people may simply be the product of self-indulgence rather than food addiction .
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