Example sentences of "give [adj] reason [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But they could still be summoned to appear in court to answer the allegations of their creditor , to admit or give good reasons for disclaiming them — if the sum involved was less than £5,000 in a county court , if more in the High Court .
2 He said that the Government had not given satisfactory reasons for choosing Scott .
3 Charities give varying reasons for entering the Annual Report and Accounts Award , from wanting to know if their report 's overall structure is moving in the right direction , to learning from specific judges ' criticisms , but in the end , they all boil down to a desire to improve the standard of their accounts .
4 This is despite the fact that the Tribunal is appointed by the Government ; that it has no real powers ; and that it is under a duty not to give published reasons for any decision it makes .
5 They said the failure to give full reasons for the intended slaughter and the absence of any factual basis for the action justified the High Court in blocking the order .
6 If possible , know your colleagues ' views ; form your own opinions based on sound facts for which you are able to give convincing reasons in a straightforward manner .
7 Giving brief reasons for your choice , for each of the following situations suggest the most appropriate value to be placed on each item :
8 In giving written reasons for their decision it is not sufficient for the board to reiterate the statutory grounds on which their decision is based : Martin v. Ellis , 1978 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 38 at p.40 ; Chief Constable of Grampian v. City of Aberdeen District Licensing Board , 1979 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 2 , and Troc Sales Ltd. v. Kirkcaldy District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 77 .
9 The Granada Group gives similar reasons for its 13% cut — a simplified group structure and a reduced number of acquisitions and disposals in the group .
10 A constable who gives inadequate reasons for conducting a search that he would otherwise be entitled to undertake is also acting outside the scope of his duty .
11 Both Sony and the Koei Group gave various reasons for the split , Sony that its mission of developing the desk-top publishing market on workstations had been accomplished , while the Koei Group indicated that Sony 's NEWS was too narrow a system for the jointly developed software , which will now be converted for other workstations and personal computers , including Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcsystems and Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh .
12 They found that most parents opposed closure and gave educational reasons for their attitudes .
13 We also gave other reasons at the time , erm principally the road , because the access fronting onto the A forty four there by the proposed site , there 'd been a number of accidents and during the consultation period there were actually two people killed bang opposite the proposed entrance to that site at Swingswang .
14 Unless you are given convincing reasons for not doing so , insist on a reduction
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