Example sentences of "other sources of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 other sources of irritation are incompetent managers , poor working conditions ( canteens , parking ) , unfriendly peer groups and inequitable individual or group financial rewards .
2 They also point to other sources of variation in mate choice .
3 It was mentioned earlier that there were weaknesses in the description of accents in terms of geographical variation alone ; the study of sociolinguistics has shown the importance of considering other sources of variation .
4 One proposal — which eventually fell through — involved the Butterley Company protecting the employer by agreeing to sell no land within five miles of the villages , thereby preventing any other sources of work being established , while the factory-owner would guarantee to take at least 65 per cent of his workforce from Ollerton .
5 So are there other sources of evidence that can offer deeper insights ?
6 This article also carefully considers several other sources of evidence linking unemployment , urban deprivation and heroin use , and argues that ‘ the most parsimonious conclusion is that high unemployment serves to foster drug use ’ ( ibid. , p. 931 ) .
7 There are several other sources of evidence for the fragmented nature of the outer Moon .
8 Allowing home and social lives to wither means that there are no other sources of support when work fails .
9 ( For the address and other sources of help see WHERE TO GO FOR FURTHER HELP ( Pages 10–11 ) .
10 Counsel and Care factsheets Help at Home and Which Charity describe the above listed benefits and other sources of help .
11 ( A leaflet is available from the National Meningitis Trust which explains the after-effects of the disease , and lists other sources of help and advice . )
12 For those tenants who become so dependent as to require more intensive care than can be reasonably provided in sheltered housing the survey asks : " Are they to be " bolstered up " by extra warden support ( and other sources of help ) or are they to be transferred to more appropriate settings ? "
13 Other sources of unease were the unfulfilled aspirations of the minority Shiite community , mostly concentrated in the region south of Baghdad , and the occcasional stirrings of the Communist Party which had gained strength during the Qasem period and become solidly represented in the army until efforts to purge them in the 1970s .
14 There are other sources of income which are partly or fully ignored .
15 Players certainly gained in terms of rising wages , advertising , and other sources of income , but at the highest level they often found there were new stresses to cope with as they were ‘ declassed ’ and lost touch with their old communities .
16 It may be argued that to focus on social security is to overlook other sources of income in old age .
17 Of the total annual income this figure should be separated from money which comes through legacies and other sources of income such as the hire of the hall and investments .
18 Without these other sources of income , it can be argued that the DVR actually made an operating loss in 1991 of nearly £35,000 .
19 The sort of questions your adviser will ask are : whether you are investing for income now or capital growth in the future ; whether you need to go for absolute security with every penny you have or whether you can afford slightly more risky investments in the hope of making more money in the long run ; what other sources of income you have , or might expect to receive .
20 All other sources of income advanced strongly .
21 The extent of financial hardship varied among the women depending upon the size of their redundancy payment , whether they received unemployment and/or supplementary benefit , their earning status in the household , the employment status of their partner , whether there were other sources of income and how the family managed its income .
22 The measure of ‘ other sources of income in employment ’ is calculated along the same lines as for unemployment income .
23 It is common practice to use only the information on benefits and earnings when the information on other sources of income is unavailable .
24 Other sources of income should be approached for funding individual projects .
25 The answer must lie in other sources of manpower provision .
26 Nevertheless , many of the other sources of conflict between the two parties under William and Anne reached beyond the walls of Westminster , and in their different ways had a significant impact on society .
27 Other sources of changes in the money supply
28 In addition to the methods of control used by the central bank , there are a number of other sources of changes in the money supply .
29 Secondly , CACI can specifically assess the catchment areas faced by any particular centre or retailer by analysing survey data , credit card data or other sources of customer information .
30 Other sources of statistics
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