Example sentences of "more slowly [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Blattern the postman walked slowly across the green , more slowly than ever , whilst Alida waited , twitching at the curtains , and then he paused at their gate before walking past .
2 The debt is still rising , though more slowly than before , and it will probably not start to fall until the basic budget — the part that excludes payments on the debt — is running an annual surplus equivalent to 7% of Greece 's gross domestic product .
3 I think er the original plan would have envisaged er a very high proportion of that work having been converted to a fixed price at this point in the programme because according to the original programme not only would the aircraft have flown but we would be entering production investment at this stage and we would there be be fairly confident about the er maturity of the design , however the programme has proceeded much more slowly than originally planned and the amount of er the price that has been converted to a fixed price is indeed quite modest er we have in fact I think only converted eight of the price packages to a fixed price er basis so far .
4 ‘ In a largely illiterate society this oral epic singing also had the function roughly corresponding to the modern mass media — it spread the political news , much more slowly but perhaps not less reliably than the modern press , radio and television . ’
5 They had just made love again ; this time more slowly though just as wonderfully .
6 If there is an incongruous response sit in the light to assist lip reading , and repeat the question more slowly and loudly , facing the client , but without shouting or exaggeration .
7 Since a plucked hair regrows much more slowly and softly than a snipped hair , your legs stay that way for weeks and weeks .
8 ‘ If they were driving more slowly and carefully then the child might have escaped and that 's what matters . ’
9 The birds hopped and sang for perhaps two minutes ; then the mechanism began to run down and the birds hopped more and more slowly and heavily , the twittering drew itself out in gasps .
10 Clients are paying more slowly and over 40 p.c. of firms expect the situation to worsen .
11 Hartlepool 's Mark Chicocki departed more slowly and controversially .
12 Although you will have to speak a little more slowly and clearly than you do normally , you should nevertheless make it sound as natural as you can .
13 Speak a little more slowly and clearly than normal but keep it natural .
14 If we are prone to hyperventilating during panic attacks , and otherwise at times of increased anxiety , we must learn techniques which help us to breathe more slowly and deeply , from the stomach rather than the chest , and we may also need to rebreathe our own air , breathing into and out of a paper bag , or cupping our hands close to our mouth to catch and rebreathe the exhaled air .
15 As the viscosity increases , the lava flows more slowly and smoothly , not as boisterously as at first .
16 When the Young Man returns and the movement is again repeated more slowly and deliberately it becomes the signal of a tender reunion .
17 People were moving more slowly and nonchalantly , without the pretext of a destination or purpose .
18 He stopped in his tracks , scanned the window opposite for some minutes , then turned to walk into the building much more slowly and thoughtfully than before .
19 There are indications that certain complex carbohydrates such as fibre are converted to H 2 more slowly and less completely than lactulose resulting in an underestimation of the amount entering the colon .
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