Example sentences of "now [that] she knew " in BNC.

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1 She felt she could partially excuse his megalomaniac meddlings in her genes now that she knew he was mentally unstable .
2 It was the loveliest day imaginable now that she knew the name of Angel 's foster parents .
3 Now that she knew they were there , they stuck out because they were obviously some different language .
4 Even more so now : now that she knew just a little , a very little , of what it was to be persecuted … .
5 Now that she knew Betty was here because she pitied her and not because she liked her , she felt less threatened and decided that she would just let her take over the cooking and do as she wished in the kitchen .
6 She felt happier about Kathleen now that she knew that she had a champion in Ella , but she had little time to dwell on the O'Neills .
7 ‘ Well , if I am , Mrs Hamilton certainly must be , ’ she told him seriously , not wanting either of the doctors to see that she did indeed find the responsibility she was about to take on quite daunting now that she knew the full scope of Faye Hamilton 's problems .
8 Temptation was even more dangerously irresistible now that she knew she loved him .
9 It was something that she would never have thought possible and now that it had actually happened , now that she knew she was n't dreaming , she wanted it to last .
10 She would be more on her guard in future , however , now that she knew the unpredictable nature of the old lady 's malevolence .
11 They 'd been friends , companions , they 'd got on well together , but , now that she knew what real love was , she knew that she had never for one moment loved him .
12 After all that had happened she was still unable to betray Peter — in fact , it was because of all that had happened that she felt she could n't be the one to give away the details of his difficulties , especially not to Marc , now that she knew how things stood between them both .
13 Fran shook her head , easier now that she knew they would n't be there alone .
14 Now that she knew for certain that she could n't marry him , her first impulse was to call him up and tell him so .
15 About what Margrida d'Arcos 's opinion of her might be now that she knew she had indulged in apparently frivolous love with her son .
16 Shelley had been watching them , amused at this family banter , knowing that it was no business of hers to stay , now that she knew the old man was all right .
17 Now that she knew how despicable Robert Sheldrake was , she would fight him with every method at her disposal .
18 Again , though , there were some things which she was not well enough acquainted with him to mention — especially now that she knew who her Good Samaritan of yesterday was .
19 I 'm sorry , ’ she apologised , her action in not leaving a note seeming poor thanks now that she knew he had only been trying to protect her from himself when he 'd called her clinging .
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