Example sentences of "no accident that [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It was no accident that Nietzsche 's move to Leipzig , implying the decision to specialize in classics , was followed by an overnight conversion to Schopenhauer ; and no accident , again , that his final acceptance of a classical career should have been so closely associated in time with his commitment , after so many years of desultory acquaintance , to Wagner .
2 It is no accident that Jane Austen 's last , unfinished , novel , Sanditon , should take its name from a new resort of speculative buildings , and that the leading speculator should have abandoned his contented old house , with its English verdure , comfort , and lack of prospect , for a new eminence and exposure in a villa ornee on a cliff-top , with an up-to-the-minute name , Trafalgar House .
3 It is no accident that Watney cites an American example , because the self-same videos are illegal here .
4 CLARET JUG : It is no accident that golf 's most famous trophy , presented every year since 1872 to the winner of the Open , is a claret jug .
5 On this reading of higher learning , it is no accident that philosophy , fine art and the humanities generally are feeling the need to justify themselves .
6 It was no accident that Baldwin VII of Flanders moved to a new repressive interpretation of comital justice at just the same time as he claimed the superior advocacy over all ecclesiastical houses in Flanders .
7 Indeed it is a feature of this scene that the tension is kept up to the very last pizzicato , and of course it is no accident that Britten , when he made the concert version of the fourth interlude , had to jump to the last two pages of the act to get his conclusion .
8 It may be no accident that Manchester United have shown their hand in their attempt to lure David Hirst to Old Trafford .
9 It is no accident that Londoners were to be found financing enterprises in the shires — Henry Fyner , a goldsmith , had built the first English blast furnace at Hartfield , Sussex — and helping to create the country 's stock of ‘ social overhead capital ’ — roads and bridges , schools and colleges .
10 It is no accident that Iden speaks verse , Cade prose , and that the verse-man should kill the prose-man : the hierarchy of order matches the hierarchy of styles .
11 it is no accident that hierarchy is ubiquitous within all organisations of any size .
12 It 's no accident that Hook in the stage-play is traditionally doubled with the Darling children 's father .
13 In these circumstances it was no accident that planning and resourcing were high on the agenda for internal debate .
14 It is no accident that people in AI rarely draw flow-charts , and it is a cliché of programming in LISP that if one finds oneself drawing a flow-chart , one has not understood how LISP works .
15 It is no accident that people who are driven to climb corporate ladders have parents who believe ladder climbing is important .
16 Conversely , it is no accident that people who search in their careers for stability , structure and avoidance of risk acquire these values to a large extent in their childhood .
17 It 's no accident that loss of occupation and collapse of relationships , even marriages , often go hand in hand .
18 It is no accident that Schickelgruber , the failed artist who became Hitler , should have been the son of a petty official and have spent his ambitions at the butt end of Viennese snobbery .
19 It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing , while women remain on the lower grades .
20 It 's no accident that Svidrigailov is the only one in the novel to handle yellow paper money , just as it 's no accident that children are frightened of him and run away ‘ in indescribable terror ’ because ( so we understand in our bones ) they smell death on him , or rather the unattachment to life which defeats even Sonya Marmeladov .
21 It 's no accident that Svidrigailov is the only one in the novel to handle yellow paper money , just as it 's no accident that children are frightened of him and run away ‘ in indescribable terror ’ because ( so we understand in our bones ) they smell death on him , or rather the unattachment to life which defeats even Sonya Marmeladov .
22 In Othello , it is no accident that Iago swears ‘ by Janus ’ .
23 It may be no accident that Jack Aubrey shares with Marryat himself a reputation for saving an unusual number of ‘ men overboard ’ .
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