Example sentences of "come home on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like a lot of weekends you 'd leave , you 'd leave the T A centre about eight and then from eight o'clock Friday night too about , well you 'd be working until about three o'clock Sunday afternoon , and you are lucky if you 'd got three or four hours sleep working you do n't notice , you get tired but you do n't feel that bad and it was only like I used to come home on a Sunday crash out about sleep about .
2 ‘ Your place is miles across the city , and I have to come home on the bus every night , so there 'll be no meeting in the evenings . ’
3 You were quite happy for me to come home on the bus .
4 No they used to come home on the Thursday , we 'd perhaps did n't kill them till Monday .
5 Because when we came home , we came home on a Friday night , I say , and oh , the traffic !
6 As I came home on the boat , I thought : ‘ This is a good thing , a fine thing , perhaps .
7 She was away at Malcolm 's cousin 's from the Sunday till the Wednesday evening and we had n't realized how much noise she makes until she came home on the Wednesday evening .
8 Coming into it was like coming home on a bitter cold day to a bright , leaping fire .
9 They like to be able to go to a show and to be able to see something that they do n't see in their everyday lives — you know , catching the bus to go work or coming home on the bus .
10 ‘ I told Father I was coming home on the bus , ’ she said coldly .
11 Evening , music , a drink , and someone coming home on the six-eighteen .
12 Oh well , we were coming home on the bu , rest bus together .
13 Do n't like two of you coming home on the bus but , especially when it 's cold and horrible !
14 ‘ Will you come home on the bus tonight , back to Knockglen , back to the convent ? ’
15 I 'd come home on the Saturday morning after playing golf with a few cronies .
16 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
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