Example sentences of "come [prep] force [prep] " in BNC.

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31 The accord , which followed two years of negotiations , was scheduled to come into force in September 1994 .
32 The rule is expected to come into force in 1988 when post-1939 buildings will become eligible for the first time .
33 The UK government has issued a consultation paper on the further protection of wildlife and habitats designed to conform with an European Community ( EC ) directive on habitats which is due to come into force in June 1993 .
34 An air travel ban to Libya is due to come into force in two weeks time .
35 If its application is successful it will join the third wave of National Health Service Trusts to come into force in April , 1993 .
36 The ARPS has already responded to the dramatic increases in the costs of obtaining an order for new works under the new system which were due to come into force from September 1st .
37 A PEDESTRIANISATION scheme which has angered disabled groups in Darlington is to come into force from March 29 .
38 Yet it was to be under the new regime , for all the difficulties of the power-struggle at home , rather than under the strong rule of Henri II , that the French were to come in force to the aid of Mary of Guise against the Scottish heretics ; for the effective rulers of the two countries were now , after all , the two Guise brothers in France and their sister the regent in Scotland .
39 A new contract between Equity and the IPA came into force during 1979 which meant that ‘ repeat ’ fees — the fees paid to an artist for each showing of a commercial — were increased fourfold , so that repeat fees for one actor for a fairly heavily used commercial could reach £20000 a year .
40 On the 26th of March 1993 the Welsh Office published a package of measures based on the EC Agri-Environment Regulation which came into force during July 1992 .
41 Gift Aid is a scheme which gives tax relief for ‘ one-off ’ contributions to charity and it came into force on 1st October 1990 .
42 The new regulations came into force on 29 July 1991 .
43 But the distinctions drawn by English law were , till the passing of the Property Acts , which came into force on 1 January 1926 , founded , not so much on the nature of the subject matter , as upon the historical accidents in the development of the English law of property .
44 The amended regulations which came into force on 1 August 1955 , included two long sentences following the lines of Recommendation 6 :
45 Regulations , which came into force on 1 August 1989 , prescribe the circumstances in which a direction by the head teacher under section 19 may be given .
46 Drawn up within the Council of Europe , the European Convention on Human Rights was signed on 4th November 1950 by the British and other member states and came into force on 3rd September 1953 .
47 This was the subject of lengthy political negotiations and further revisions , until finally the Merger Regulation was adopted on 21 December 1989 and came into force on 2 1 September 1990 .
48 These Regulations , which are entitled The Companies Act 1985 ( Accounts of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Publication of Accounts in Ecus ) Regulations 1992 ( see also ACCOUNTANCY , December 1992 , p 13 ) , came into force on 16 November 1992 .
49 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 , came into force on 1 January 1993 .
50 The Health and Safety ( Display Screen Equipment ) Regulations 1992 , came into force on 1 January 1993 .
51 The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 came into force on 1 January 1993 .
52 He is hopeful that EC public procurement directives , some of which came into force on 1 January , with more due in July , will bring more business for British companies .
53 They came into force on 15 July last year .
54 These Regulations , which came into force on 31 December 1992 , allow dormant companies that do not want to appoint auditors to use the written resolution procedure instead of having to pass the necessary special resolution in general meeting .
55 These Regulations , The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992 , came into force on 1 January 1993 .
56 In addition , the Occupational Pension Schemes ( Investment of Scheme 's Resources ) Regulations 1992 ( SI 1992/246 ) apply — they came into force on 9 March 1992 .
57 A new set of statutory regulations on the classification , labelling and packaging of dangerous goods came into force on 1 January 1986 .
58 Commuters behind the campaign against the smoking ban , which came into force on Monday , have called their group PUFFS — Passengers United For the Freedom to Smoke .
59 The Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988 came into force on August 1 1989 and replaced the rather ambiguous series of Copyright Acts which existed before then , including the Copyright Act of 1956 and the Design Copyright Act of 1968 .
60 The revised Building Regulations 1991 , which came into force on 1 June this year , contained a new requirement for controlling glazing in all buildings .
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