Example sentences of "come [prep] power [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To come to power in conditions of war was to expose the new regime to the maximum pressures of the world system .
2 Marx had expected the communists to come to power in the most developed industrial societies of the West , where there would already be considerable accumulated wealth , scientific knowledge , and industrial capital to provide well-being for all .
3 At the worst , if hard-liners were to come to power in Moscow , Ukraine could be a buffer for the young democracies of Eastern Europe .
4 More reassuring in terms of Soviet policy was Gorbachev 's dramatic decision to allow a non-Communist premier to come to power in Poland .
5 If Dulac 's version of the interview is to be believed , de Gaulle acknowledged the possibility that he might have to come to power after a military operation against Paris .
6 Geographically , Vietnam and Cuba are remote from the Soviet Union , and their ruling élites are cohesive entities which have come to power through their own efforts .
7 The successful introduction of a rationalised and acceptable meaning to the word ‘ god ‘ would destroy the dominance of those people , often of superior intelligence , who from time to time have come to power in nearly all civilisations , by exploiting the fear of the unknown among their fellows .
8 The languages of earth — English , Italian , Hindustani and Chinese particularly — were known in some variation everywhere , though it seemed the Autarch — who had come to power in the confusion following the failed Reconciliation — favoured English , which was the preferred linguistic currency almost everywhere now .
9 To US annoyance , Brezhnev supported the Arab cause in the 1973 Middle East war and helped a Marxist government come to power in Angola in 1975 .
10 Col. Jean-Baptiste Bagaza , who had come to power in a coup in 1976 , and had been elected President by direct suffrage in August 1984 , was overthrown in early September 1987 in a bloodless armed forces coup led by Maj. Pierre Buyoya [ see pp. 35631-32 ] .
11 Lekhanya had come to power in 1986 after a South African-backed coup , and initially restored nominal legislative and executive powers to the King [ see pp. 34786-89 ] .
12 It was widely believed that this provision had been specifically inserted to prevent a return to office by Ríos Montt , an evangelical Protestant who had come to power in the wake of a military coup and ruled as dictator from March 1982 to August 1983 [ see pp. 31605-07 ; 32494-96 ] .
13 On May 10 the government of Gro Harlem Brundtland , which had come to power in November 1990 [ see p. 37868 ] , announced a three-year infrastructure spending package to revive economic growth and reduce unemployment .
14 The first major demonstration against the three-party ruling coalition which had come to power in April 1990 [ see p. 37380 ] erupted in September 1990 .
15 His ruling Nepali Congress party had come to power in May 1991 ( in the first free elections in 32 years — see p. 38193 ) promising to raise living standards , but now faced the prospect of defeat in local elections due in May and June .
16 Only in Queensland , where the ALP had come to power in 1989 after more than 30 years of corrupt National Party rule , was the party free of scandal and able to record healthy public opinion ratings .
17 Now in the Black Sea region the dynasty , which had come to power after the Persian Wars , ruled a principality centred on Pantikapaion until 438 , when they were succeeded by a new one founded by one Spartokos ( Diod. xi.31 ) .
18 Thus , commentators have suggested that the Conservative Party came into power in 1979 and was committed to reducing the size of the public sector .
19 In Yugoslavia , Albania , North Korea and China a rather different pattern developed : in all these countries the communist party came to power through its leadership of a popular struggle against foreign occupation , with little or no help from the USSR in doing so .
20 He described it as the ‘ best news since 1948 ’ when the National Party came to power on the policy of apartheid , which eventually led to South Africa 's ban from the international rugby arena until this year .
21 Both President Reagan and Mrs Thatcher came to power on a platform of military rhetoric with Reagan calling Russia an evil empire and Mrs Thatcher earning herself the title of the Iron Lady .
22 In Russia , Yeltsin also came to power on a wave of anti-communist feeling augmented by Russian nationalism .
23 Not only Mr Clinton , but most of his advisers came to power on a crest of frustration and almost revolutionary fervour .
24 President Reagan came to power with greater hostility for the Soviets than any of his predecessors , and he quickly reached an understanding with Israel concerning those it saw as the Soviet Union 's regional proxies , Syria and the PLO .
25 Both came to power with a goal of mobilizing the population for social and economic change , based on the idea that people 's political and social consciousness could be changed , along with material conditions .
26 The man charged with carrying out this policy , the ‘ advocate of the future ’ , was Jean-Pierre Chevenement , son of a schoolteacher , came to power with the reputation of a left-wing idealist .
27 Both were in some respects political outsiders who came to power during a breakdown of ‘ normal ’ party politics and exercised a personal leadership at a time of national crisis .
28 Ershad , 60 , first came to power as the result of a bloodless coup in 1982 [ see pp. 31501-02 ] ; he assumed the presidency the following year [ see pp. 32919-20 ] , and in November 1986 he was elected to the post for a five-year term [ see p. 34813 ] .
29 But Mr Clinton had an additional burden ; he came to power at what would have been a singularly difficult moment for any American president .
30 A soldier of mixed Visigothic and Suevic extraction , he came to power under Avitus , was responsible for his fall , and was effectively involved in the appointment of all the western emperors to hold office between 457 and his own death in 472 .
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