Example sentences of "try to keep them [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Hereford defence fell to pieces , apart from Judge who did everything and more to try to keep them out .
2 I might get someone to try to keep them off until we 've finished carrying .
3 Staff members tried to keep them away from the soft-hearted President , consigning them to the Vice-president not because Bush was more callous , North explained , but because it was Reagan who had to make the policy decisions .
4 We had constructed a perimeter and we now tried to keep them outside it without provoking them .
5 The tights , very long in the leg , were quite a problem , hanging round her ankles in great folds however hard I tried to keep them up , and settling into the enormous-seeming bedroom slippers to make walking dangerous .
6 Perhaps it is a sort of demoralisation , not surprising considering the misfortunes which have wracked the East Asian communities now in Britain — first their years of suffering associated with their expulsion from Africa , then their experiences at the hands of racist British authorities who tried to keep them out of Britain , and finally the day-to-day racism which they have faced in Britain as refugees .
7 Bachelard assumed the necessary division of the scientific from the non-scientific , even if de facto he was continually encountering their imbrication and finding himself in the position of trying to keep them apart .
8 I think I 'm going to enjoy watching you trying to keep them apart .
9 ‘ I saw no point in trying to keep them apart , but I did n't expect them to spend so much time together .
10 A very large policeman was trying to keep them back , but they were pressing closer and closer , determined to have a good look at the two people who had so nearly lost their lives .
11 He thinks that great opportunities lie ahead , but vested interests , built on the status quo , are trying to keep them out of reach .
12 I put it to Andy that it must have been a blow when they split in 1988 , but he , ever the voice of reason , says , ‘ There was no point in trying to keep them together , it had gone as far as they wanted it to go and they wanted to do something different .
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